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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has the strongest Lineup this holiday season

Resistance 2 is easily the best shooter of 2008

It gives you so much for your buck

LBP is the biggest AAA title on any platform this Fall

Motortstorm will easily sell 5m like the original

Wipeout HD , Valkyrie, Naruto.
Undoubtedly pS3 has the best lineup for Fall

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ultraslick said:
Onyxmeth said:
thejuicingamer said:
@ strategy,
Fable 2, about 4 years late :)
Gears 2, more like 1.5
Left 4 dead, on PC also,
Banjo, come on this should be on the Wii

Oh goody. I love playing this game. It never gets anywhere.

Resistance 2, more like 1.5
Motorstorm 2, more like 1.5
Socom, Zipper isn't making it
Little Big Planet, come on this should be on the Wii

Wow that was easy...and pointless.






Really? Do you really think Resistance 2 is  like 1.5.

Common now, Resistance 2 is breaking boundaries/graphics, gameplay, online, coop experiences.

Gears 2 has progressed less from the original than Resistance. You know this.


Try reading a little deeper into my post and maybe you'll understand.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Without LBP, I'd give the advantage to the 360.

With LBP, Sony wins holiday line-up hands down.

All that said though, it's clear that both consoles are getting a crapload of quality titles, so why does one always have to be better than the other... *hangs head in shame*

It's all about the game.

CGI-Quality said:
@ scat398

uuh the OT says SONY has the strongest lineup. It does NOT ask which system has the strongest line-up, there with that out of the way let's move on. I do think though that the OP should have put this in the Sony forum, but however you slice it, this IS a thread about Sony. And I didn't say nobody else could post I just don't think trolling is necessary.

You may as well quit with the trolling allegations because I haven't seen any and you haven't reported any.

This is a thread and in a thread lies a discussion. We should always be able to have multiple points of view. So if this is a Sony-only thread, what would the other half of the discussion be? What are the two sides of the discussion?

1. I agree. Sony has the best lineup.

2. ???? (You need to put something in here)

Do note the following line from the OP:

Definitly blows the competition out of the water,

Yeah, that wasn't inviting to add other consoles into the mix. What were we all thinking? This is obviously only about Sony in the Sony-only vacuum.




Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Menago KF said:
Well this thread is quite the mistake, from linguistic mistakes in the sentences (huger???what the hell? Is there even such a word in english?) to the choice of games.

LBP agreed but has severe competition from Nintendo in form of Wii Fit and most probably Wii music (that still remains to be seen)

resistance 2 agreed but has severe competition from MS in form of gears of war

Motorstorm.......i don't know, apply wait and see tactic

sococm?????Whaaa?? What a lame joke. Killzone would have been a more likely choice, not this rubbish.

And of course the fact that both the xbox and Wii have quite a bit of games coming out now: Fable 2, Wii Music, Animal Crossing, Fallout 3, Disaster DOC, Mushroom men, Deadly creatures etc etc.

Maybe Sony has the most hyped list of games coming out, but that doesn't exactly mean strongest.


You really have no idea how big Socom really is.. SOCOM 3 had more play hours online then Halo 2... SOCOM is really a big hit with its players and I would not be shocked if it isn't one of the reasons the PS3 will sell quite well this holiday.

As for your other games Sony has released or is receiving some other games that complement competition. Buzz Quiz TV, Valkyria Chronicles, HOME (I'm placing this here as the arcade games are quite fun), and I know I shouldnt include a game update in this but the next PAIN update features the actor David Hasselhoff and is even getting boasted by People Magazine.

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CGI-Quality said:
@ Onyx

I thought you'd be smart enough not to come up with a ridiculous conclusion like that, but hey I guess I was wrong. You jump on people's cases often without knowing the facts of how they feel, take that crap somewhere else bro because I care for 0 of it. In other news...

Is this your way of saying you can't figure out a rebuttal? Just ask me. I'll come up with one for myself on your behalf.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

CGI-Quality said:
@ Onyx

It's my way of not wasting anymore of my keyboard on you. It's useless with people who type just to try to prove... what? What is it? That you attack people because of your own personal insecurites... yeah that's not my problem so I will be moving on now; I care not to argue POINTLESSLY with you so just let it go.

This is attacking to you? Getting quoted and responded to in healthy debate? Seriously, grow a tougher skin hypocrite. As I recall, it wasn't Onyxmeth that entered this thread accusing everybody of being trolls.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

I love laughing at the skewed "logic" that fanboys have.

PS3/360 exclusives video comparison :

(PS3) Valkyria Chronicles :

(PS3) Socom Confrontation :

(PS3) Motorstorm Pacific Rift :

(PS3) Resistance 2 :
(360) Gears of War 2 :

(PS3) LittleBigPlanet :
(360) Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts :

(PS3) Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm :
(360) Broken Bond :

(360) Fable 2 :

(360) Left 4 Dead :

(360) LIPS :

good riddance please end this silly little fight :)