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Menago KF said:
Well this thread is quite the mistake, from linguistic mistakes in the sentences (huger???what the hell? Is there even such a word in english?) to the choice of games.

LBP agreed but has severe competition from Nintendo in form of Wii Fit and most probably Wii music (that still remains to be seen)

resistance 2 agreed but has severe competition from MS in form of gears of war

Motorstorm.......i don't know, apply wait and see tactic

sococm?????Whaaa?? What a lame joke. Killzone would have been a more likely choice, not this rubbish.

And of course the fact that both the xbox and Wii have quite a bit of games coming out now: Fable 2, Wii Music, Animal Crossing, Fallout 3, Disaster DOC, Mushroom men, Deadly creatures etc etc.

Maybe Sony has the most hyped list of games coming out, but that doesn't exactly mean strongest.


You really have no idea how big Socom really is.. SOCOM 3 had more play hours online then Halo 2... SOCOM is really a big hit with its players and I would not be shocked if it isn't one of the reasons the PS3 will sell quite well this holiday.

As for your other games Sony has released or is receiving some other games that complement competition. Buzz Quiz TV, Valkyria Chronicles, HOME (I'm placing this here as the arcade games are quite fun), and I know I shouldnt include a game update in this but the next PAIN update features the actor David Hasselhoff and is even getting boasted by People Magazine.

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