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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has the strongest Lineup this holiday season

shio said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
fayewong said:

My god, Words of Wisdom is right. You guys should remove Left 4 Dead. It also comes out on the PC too... i just found out -1 exclusive game. That leaves 4 games. 3 of them being exclusive.

So by what S.T.A.G.E. says, only exclusive games. That leaves only 3 good 360 games. The Last Remnant don't count.



Wrong again Sally (LOL) Last Remnant is what is known as a timed exclusive. It's still exclusive until PS3 the version comes out. Hehe. Heres another example of a timed exclusive: GTA 3. PC games are not console games. Console version games are exclusive to respective consoles, especially when not allowed on another console. :)

Did the OP say to ignore the PC or only take consoles into account? No, so if anyone mentions PC Games you can't say "oh but it's not a console game", because we are looking at who has the best lineup, not the "best console lineup".



He also never said exclusive either. Oh, and in case that isn't clear enough, I'll spell it out:

You're exactly right.(I assume you're saying it should be counted, which is obvious, because we're talking about lineups for individual platforms, and not exclusive games.)

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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fayewong said:

My god, Words of Wisdom is right. You guys should remove Left 4 Dead. It also comes out on the PC too... i just found out -1 exclusive game. That leaves 4 games. 3 of them being exclusive.

So by what S.T.A.G.E. says, only exclusive games. That leaves only 3 good 360 games. The Last Remnant don't count.


Well, if we're talking about good games, Socom doesn't count either.

Also, why doesn't TLR count?

Finally, where does it say exclusive. We're talking about holiday lineups here. Not exclusive games. If we're talking about lineups, but can't list games that are also on the PC, then the PC lineup can't list games that are also on the consoles, leaving it with World of Warcraft.

What the truth is, is this. You can't clearly win with a fair count, so you're trying to change the parameters and exclude games so you can win. Have fun with Motostorm and Socom, bff.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


S.T.A.G.E. said:
fayewong said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
fayewong said:

My god, Words of Wisdom is right. You guys should remove Left 4 Dead. It also comes out on the PC too... i just found out -1 exclusive game. That leaves 4 games. 3 of them being exclusive.

So by what S.T.A.G.E. says, only exclusive games. That leaves only 3 good 360 games. The Last Remnant don't count.



Wrong again Sally (LOL) Last Remnant is what is known as a timed exclusive. It's still exclusive until PS3 the version comes out. Hehe. Heres another example of a timed exclusive: GTA 3. PC games are not console games. Console version games are exclusive to respective consoles, especially when not allowed on another console. :)


What? At first you said Bioshock don't count because it was a time exclusive on 360. Now you tell me differently now with The Last Remnant? What now? Get your facts straight and use your head. You are just confusing people even more by what you want.

No, no Sally, you stated that Bioshock was a PS3 exclusive. I told you that it wasn't because it was a 360 timed exclusive before it went to PS3.  Look back at how that argument started.

7. Bioshock (not exclusive but still coming out this season)

Left 4 Dead don't count. If I can buy it and play it on the PC. Then whats the point about the 360 version? Same game, same story, everything same except the fact I don't need a 360 to run the game. Also is horror games any popular?

Yes, it does. It's a console exclusive. Last time I checked, PC's weren't consoles, but it does play games.  Are you going to say that FFVII wasn't a Sony console exclusive because it was on PC? I say FFVII was a console exclusive even though PC had it too.




Learn to read please. I never said it was a PS3 exclusive at all. I know it was on the Xbox 360 first and that is why I stated its not an exclusive no more to the 360 to remind others its not just on the 360.


fayewong said:

Learn to read please. I never said it was a PS3 exclusive at all. I know it was on the Xbox 360 first and that is why I stated its not an exclusive no more to the 360 to remind others its not just on the 360.



Well, if we're counting Bioshock, the PS3 wins. I thought the spirit of the thread was more PS3 vs 360 library of new holiday games.  I've had Bioshock for like a year, but if we're strictly talking about quality games released around this time period, then Bioshock >>>>>>> Gears 2/LBP, and wins by itself.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


fayewong said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
fayewong said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
fayewong said:

My god, Words of Wisdom is right. You guys should remove Left 4 Dead. It also comes out on the PC too... i just found out -1 exclusive game. That leaves 4 games. 3 of them being exclusive.

So by what S.T.A.G.E. says, only exclusive games. That leaves only 3 good 360 games. The Last Remnant don't count.



Wrong again Sally (LOL) Last Remnant is what is known as a timed exclusive. It's still exclusive until PS3 the version comes out. Hehe. Heres another example of a timed exclusive: GTA 3. PC games are not console games. Console version games are exclusive to respective consoles, especially when not allowed on another console. :)


What? At first you said Bioshock don't count because it was a time exclusive on 360. Now you tell me differently now with The Last Remnant? What now? Get your facts straight and use your head. You are just confusing people even more by what you want.

No, no Sally, you stated that Bioshock was a PS3 exclusive. I told you that it wasn't because it was a 360 timed exclusive before it went to PS3.  Look back at how that argument started.

7. Bioshock (not exclusive but still coming out this season)

Left 4 Dead don't count. If I can buy it and play it on the PC. Then whats the point about the 360 version? Same game, same story, everything same except the fact I don't need a 360 to run the game. Also is horror games any popular?

Yes, it does. It's a console exclusive. Last time I checked, PC's weren't consoles, but it does play games.  Are you going to say that FFVII wasn't a Sony console exclusive because it was on PC? I say FFVII was a console exclusive even though PC had it too.




Learn to read please. I never said it was a PS3 exclusive at all. I know it was on the Xbox 360 first and that is why I stated its not an exclusive no more to the 360 to remind others its not just on the 360.



I can read and you listed under the exclusive PS3 hot titles list. Bioshock doesnt need to be put on the list that you wrote because it's not exclusive. It was multiplatform, therefore it doesn't count anyway.

Around the Network
ZenfoldorVGI said:
fayewong said:

My god, Words of Wisdom is right. You guys should remove Left 4 Dead. It also comes out on the PC too... i just found out -1 exclusive game. That leaves 4 games. 3 of them being exclusive.

So by what S.T.A.G.E. says, only exclusive games. That leaves only 3 good 360 games. The Last Remnant don't count.


Well, if we're talking about good games, Socom doesn't count either.

Also, why doesn't TLR count?

Finally, where does it say exclusive. We're talking about holiday lineups here. Not exclusive games. If we're talking about lineups, but can't list games that are also on the PC, then the PC lineup can't list games that are also on the consoles, leaving it with World of Warcraft.

What the truth is, is this. You can't clearly win with a fair count, so you're trying to change the parameters and exclude games so you can win. Have fun with Motostorm and Socom, bff.


Because someone doesn't want to include Bioshock on the PS3 list, so I don't think The Last Remnant should be included from his logic. Otherwise, I do believe Bioshock still counts as a game this lineup for the holidays and so is The Last Remnant.



Unbelieveable! I never said it was exclusive to PS3. Reading makes you learn more. But if you are unable to read, you can't learn anything.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
fayewong said:

My god, Words of Wisdom is right. You guys should remove Left 4 Dead. It also comes out on the PC too... i just found out -1 exclusive game. That leaves 4 games. 3 of them being exclusive.

So by what S.T.A.G.E. says, only exclusive games. That leaves only 3 good 360 games. The Last Remnant don't count.


Well, if we're talking about good games, Socom doesn't count either.

Also, why doesn't TLR count?

Finally, where does it say exclusive. We're talking about holiday lineups here. Not exclusive games. If we're talking about lineups, but can't list games that are also on the PC, then the PC lineup can't list games that are also on the consoles, leaving it with World of Warcraft.

What the truth is, is this. You can't clearly win with a fair count, so you're trying to change the parameters and exclude games so you can win. Have fun with Motostorm and Socom, bff.


Yes friend, but Holiday lineups boast exclusives, since the whole topic was Sony's lineup was supposedly stronger.

shio said:
selnor said:
shio said:
Squilliam said:
ssj12 said:
Huxley shouldn't be on the 360's list... its not exclusive.. it will be on PC and be 100% better on PC.

Probably not better on your PC. You're still running that 8400gt right?


Mouse+Keyboard, free updates, mods, $10 cheaper...


 360 = couch, 42 HDTV 1080p, 140 watt 6.1 surround sound seperates system. I'll take the slight difference in graphics and an extra $10 thanks.

You can plug the PC on your HDTV and Surround System in the living room, so your point is moot.


I didn't read ssj12's original comment, so I'll assume that's out of context.

That said, come on shio, don't defend a trolling comment like that. I know you didn't really defend it, but don't attack the opposition, lol.

"100% better" WTF man.

The deal here is obvious. PC games have a higher potential, but they do require more effort. Mouse/Keyboard vs controller, is apples and oranges. PC has user-updates and better graphics. Now, most people don't have a setup capable of playing Huxley how they want to, on their HDTVs with their controllers. It might be the best version of the game("100%" is an asspulled statistic) but it might not be the best option for most people. Fallout 3, for instance, for the 360, has exclusive DLC. PC versions of games aren't always defaultly 100% better. Sometimes they are just different. Convincing yourself that your specific brand of different is always better, is the main reason we have some many fanboys running around here.

The PC touting is something a lot of PS3 fans like to pull out of their ass when comparing multiplats. Don't be a puppet, just because they're supporting your arguments to manipulate their fanboy arguments and marginalize a superior version of a the the Fallout 3 debacle.

Did you know that Fallout 3 has worse frame-rate and more popins on the PS3, than the 360. On top of that, the 360 verion also has achievements, exclusive DLC, and custom soundtracks? Once that was revealed by Playstation Magazine, you know what PS3 fanboys became? PC fanboys. Suddenly, it didn't matter how bad the PS3 version was, because the PC version is the best potentially, anyway. It's the same thing here. They are trying to marginalize L4D because it also appears on PC, but watch it. If they do that, then the next PC arguement you're in, they will marginalize your PC games because they are also on the 360. It's a 2 way street. Marginalize L4D in this topic, and every multiplat the PC enjoys, ceases to count. The PC lineup this Xmas would consist of the WoW expansion. Don't fall for people pretending to be on your side to further their own ignorant fanboy agenda.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


S.T.A.G.E. said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
fayewong said:

My god, Words of Wisdom is right. You guys should remove Left 4 Dead. It also comes out on the PC too... i just found out -1 exclusive game. That leaves 4 games. 3 of them being exclusive.

So by what S.T.A.G.E. says, only exclusive games. That leaves only 3 good 360 games. The Last Remnant don't count.


Well, if we're talking about good games, Socom doesn't count either.

Also, why doesn't TLR count?

Finally, where does it say exclusive. We're talking about holiday lineups here. Not exclusive games. If we're talking about lineups, but can't list games that are also on the PC, then the PC lineup can't list games that are also on the consoles, leaving it with World of Warcraft.

What the truth is, is this. You can't clearly win with a fair count, so you're trying to change the parameters and exclude games so you can win. Have fun with Motostorm and Socom, bff.


Yes friend, but Holiday lineups boast exclusives, since the whole topic was Sony's lineup was supposedly stronger.


No, a holiday lineup for a console is this:

The games appearing on a console, this holiday.

If the Wii were in this discussion, I guarntee we'd be including all the multiplats. The reason we're not is this is obviously a PS3 vs 360 console discussion, or at least it has evolved into one, and listing multiplats for both consoles is redundant.

The holiday lineup for the Xbox 360 includes the game Left 4 Dead.

The holiday lineup for the PS3 does not include that game.

Thus, it is listed, as it is a major advantage the 360 has over the PS3 in this holiday's release schedule. End of story.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
fayewong said:

My god, Words of Wisdom is right. You guys should remove Left 4 Dead. It also comes out on the PC too... i just found out -1 exclusive game. That leaves 4 games. 3 of them being exclusive.

So by what S.T.A.G.E. says, only exclusive games. That leaves only 3 good 360 games. The Last Remnant don't count.


Well, if we're talking about good games, Socom doesn't count either.

Also, why doesn't TLR count?

Finally, where does it say exclusive. We're talking about holiday lineups here. Not exclusive games. If we're talking about lineups, but can't list games that are also on the PC, then the PC lineup can't list games that are also on the consoles, leaving it with World of Warcraft.

What the truth is, is this. You can't clearly win with a fair count, so you're trying to change the parameters and exclude games so you can win. Have fun with Motostorm and Socom, bff.


Yes friend, but Holiday lineups boast exclusives, since the whole topic was Sony's lineup was supposedly stronger.


No, a holiday lineup for a console is this:

The games appearing on a console, this holiday.

If the Wii were in this discussion, I guarntee we'd be including all the multiplats. The reason we're not is this is obviously a PS3 vs 360 console discussion, or at least it has evolved into one, and listing multiplats for both consoles is redundant.

The holiday lineup for the Xbox 360 includes the game Left 4 Dead.

The holiday lineup for the PS3 does not include that game.

Thus, it is listed, as it is a major advantage the 360 has over the PS3 in this holiday's release schedule. End of story.


after playing LBP and RE2 beta

ps3 have better line up over all, even if they counter those 2 with gear 2 and fable2

there is white knight chronicles, valkyria chroncles, naruto etc