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ZenfoldorVGI said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
fayewong said:

My god, Words of Wisdom is right. You guys should remove Left 4 Dead. It also comes out on the PC too... i just found out -1 exclusive game. That leaves 4 games. 3 of them being exclusive.

So by what S.T.A.G.E. says, only exclusive games. That leaves only 3 good 360 games. The Last Remnant don't count.


Well, if we're talking about good games, Socom doesn't count either.

Also, why doesn't TLR count?

Finally, where does it say exclusive. We're talking about holiday lineups here. Not exclusive games. If we're talking about lineups, but can't list games that are also on the PC, then the PC lineup can't list games that are also on the consoles, leaving it with World of Warcraft.

What the truth is, is this. You can't clearly win with a fair count, so you're trying to change the parameters and exclude games so you can win. Have fun with Motostorm and Socom, bff.


Yes friend, but Holiday lineups boast exclusives, since the whole topic was Sony's lineup was supposedly stronger.


No, a holiday lineup for a console is this:

The games appearing on a console, this holiday.

If the Wii were in this discussion, I guarntee we'd be including all the multiplats. The reason we're not is this is obviously a PS3 vs 360 console discussion, or at least it has evolved into one, and listing multiplats for both consoles is redundant.

The holiday lineup for the Xbox 360 includes the game Left 4 Dead.

The holiday lineup for the PS3 does not include that game.

Thus, it is listed, as it is a major advantage the 360 has over the PS3 in this holiday's release schedule. End of story.


after playing LBP and RE2 beta

ps3 have better line up over all, even if they counter those 2 with gear 2 and fable2

there is white knight chronicles, valkyria chroncles, naruto etc