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Forums - Sales Discussion - Five reasons why the PS3 will never pass the 360 in lifetime sales

sorry man i have both consoles 360 and ps3 and can say by experience that i think sony is still a cool brand between gamers.. I bought mine about a month ago maybe a bit more, and my 360 was the first console of this gen that i got, all i can say is that the ps3 started selling a lot without killer games, just because it said sony on it, I have a lot of friends which have bought a ps3 and only multiplataform games like GTA4 and pro evolution soccer and no exclusive, but they still get the ps3 over the 360 (another thing here in my country the ps3 is more than twice the price of the 360) so there you go i think your list fails so much... another thing that i can tell you why it fails, is because none of consoles will have that amount of life on them, they all want to start the next generation of console first than the other, but at the same time they dont wanna make mistakes, i dont expect any of them to have more than 6 years before another generation comes out and they get bad support from new games as the ps2 is getting now

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4lc0h0l said:
sorry man i have both consoles 360 and ps3 and can say by experience that i think sony is still a cool brand between gamers.. I bought mine about a month ago maybe a bit more, and my 360 was the first console of this gen that i got, all i can say is that the ps3 started selling a lot without killer games, just because it said sony on it, I have a lot of friends which have bought a ps3 and only multiplataform games like GTA4 and pro evolution soccer and no exclusive, but they still get the ps3 over the 360 (another thing here in my country the ps3 is more than twice the price of the 360) so there you go i think your list fails so much... another thing that i can tell you why it fails, is because none of consoles will have that amount of life on them, they all want to start the next generation of console first than the other, but at the same time they dont wanna make mistakes, i dont expect any of them to have more than 6 years before another generation comes out and they get bad support from new games as the ps2 is getting now


yeh most people still have only their ps2 and are fine with that. most of them waiting till the ps3 is cheaper just as everyone was when the ps2 first came out. i mean its quite onvious they aint planning on getting any other console by now, especially the 360 which is cheap as chips and still isnt selling as crazy as it should. imagine if the ps3 was that price. the only thing stopping sony and the ps3 is the price. thats the ONLY thing. saying that though, its selling very well with its current espensive price tag so a price cut isnt necessary yet. sony will and probably have to wait till next year to cut the price. they should do it right before a big game.

GTAIV08 said:
1 reason why the 360 is ahead of the ps3

an extra 12 months worth of sales and an extra christmas, make that two since the ps3's first one was right on launch where it had only about 30-40 games, so i wouldnt even count that! in europe is had more than a year headstart!

and what, only like 5 million ahead and solely because of america?

how about that for a thread turn around!!


fanboy!! but come to think of it, you are actually right.

While I agree with the rest... where do you think X360s fist Christmas was.... yeah that's right, right on the launch with fewer (not gonna check numbers) games.

So that can't be used as an excuse.... 360 has only had 1 extra Christmas.


5 reasons why PS3 will pass x360 sales:

1. Europe+Japan > USA, and PS3 is doing MUCH better in those 2 regions.

2. Reliability, Quality, BRAND. It`s all about PLAYSTATION.

3. Exclusive 1st and 2nd party games, which STAY exclusive.

4. PSone and PS2 over 100 mln. fanbase, which are just waiting for 299$ price and slim version to PLAY b3yond.

5. PS3 - is more then just a console, it`s a FAMILY media-center, children play games, parents watch blu-ray movies.

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far

Well, here's my opinion on the matter.

1./4. Reliability/Image - Goes right hand in hand with each other, and MS has made a cultural phenomenon of itself in this regard. I can only speak for myself when I say I chose a PS3 a year ago because of this issue. In terms of corporate image, MS isn't doing so much better due to Vista.

2. 10 year plan - Sony is the only one that has ever demonstrated that they are committed to the 10 year plan. Until another console lasts longer than the PS2, there's no empirical data that can say otherwise.

3. Wii60 is a better combo than PS360 - Nothing more than an opinion. I don't like the Wii on a few principles, so I personally would go with PS360 than anything with a Wii.

5. There are more important things than gaming to Sony fans - I'm just a post-grad student, so I have the resources to buy HDTV, consoles, and games in return for sacrificing my time. I have a life outside of playing games, but nothing beats a long week of work than to play some games on a Sunday afternoon.

"What I'd thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf mutes..."
~ J.D. Salinger, "Catcher in the Rye"

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why are people replying seriously to this thread.. i mean, it is great that they are.. they are what make the threads funny.. but.. really.. some of you who have been here for months shouldn't be falling for rol posts

Anywho, Mission Accomplished Rol


This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

ganondorf7799 said:
theprof00 said:

Hey rol now make one about how ps3 is better than wii. I bet you can do it.

No he can't because he isn't a magician and he isn't a liar!




MontanaHatchet said:
Hyruken, you know what's funny about your list? For the PS3, you list only two games, both of which are exclusive. For the 360, you include a couple of games that are either available on the PC (which is a popular gaming platform in Europe and Asia) or on other platforms as well but not on the 360 (Crash). What about Motorstorm 2, Naruto, SOCOM, or even Valkyria Chronicles? You didn't seem to have trouble including a lot of games on the 360, but those games that are ALL exclusive on the PS3 seemed to have slipped your mind. And I'm just talking about European and American games.

I skimmed through your post to the 3rd paragraph, but knowing the bias of it, I'm guessing it's not worth going through the rest of your post.


 Sorry but you can't use the whole PC card thing. That is still a Microsoft platform. Just as Resistance is going on the PSP. But i did actually say "console exclusive". So maybe you should of read it then assumed i was being biased. If the numbers coming out are supporting what im saying does that make me biased?  

And reason i did not include Socom,Motorstorm 2 etc.. is because Socom got like a 50% score and sold 30k in 1 week. Motorstorm 2 got 80% thus far. Naruto i didn't include for either console.

1. Europe+Japan > USA, and PS3 is doing MUCH better in those 2 regions. O Rly? Japan is null, the wii is selling awful there let alone PS360. 360 has been outselling the PS3 for a few weeks now ;)

2. Reliability, Quality, BRAND. It`s all about PLAYSTATION. Really poor ... the PLAYSTATION brand hasn't exactly propelled it into first place yet has it ... or second ..

3. Exclusive 1st and 2nd party games, which STAY exclusive. LBP and MGS? as far as AAA scores go is that it? MGS doesn't exactly have security. M$ has exclusive 1st and 2nd party games that will stay exclusive ..

4. PSone and PS2 over 100 mln. fanbase, which are just waiting for 299$ price and slim version to PLAY b3yond. I imagine the Wii has eaten up a lot of former PS2 users, and the 360 to some extent. In terms of demographics the PS2 and PS3 could not be further apart.

5. PS3 - is more then just a console, it`s a FAMILY media-center, children play games, parents watch blu-ray movies. LOL, If any console is FAMILY friendly its the Wii, then the 360. The 360 is more than just a games console too.



What you should have said is the PS3 (stands a very good chance of overtaking the 360) due to a price drop.