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1. Europe+Japan > USA, and PS3 is doing MUCH better in those 2 regions. O Rly? Japan is null, the wii is selling awful there let alone PS360. 360 has been outselling the PS3 for a few weeks now ;)

2. Reliability, Quality, BRAND. It`s all about PLAYSTATION. Really poor ... the PLAYSTATION brand hasn't exactly propelled it into first place yet has it ... or second ..

3. Exclusive 1st and 2nd party games, which STAY exclusive. LBP and MGS? as far as AAA scores go is that it? MGS doesn't exactly have security. M$ has exclusive 1st and 2nd party games that will stay exclusive ..

4. PSone and PS2 over 100 mln. fanbase, which are just waiting for 299$ price and slim version to PLAY b3yond. I imagine the Wii has eaten up a lot of former PS2 users, and the 360 to some extent. In terms of demographics the PS2 and PS3 could not be further apart.

5. PS3 - is more then just a console, it`s a FAMILY media-center, children play games, parents watch blu-ray movies. LOL, If any console is FAMILY friendly its the Wii, then the 360. The 360 is more than just a games console too.



What you should have said is the PS3 (stands a very good chance of overtaking the 360) due to a price drop.