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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Disaster: Day of Crisis Impressions

megaman79 said:


 Thanks for the link, they really liked the game, sounds very good. 8 is a good score

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Another 2 reviews i spotted on Go Nintendo site. 80 and 82, its lookin good although one review said dismal AI but otherwise excellent

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.


Are you playing on Normal or Hard?

I played it on Normal, and found it to be pretty easy all the way through. I'll get around to trying it on Hard eventually (have it on loan to a friend at the moment).

The firing patterns of the enemies get much more intricate toward the end of the game, when there are 5 or more people shooting at you, each with his own pattern and weapon of choice (some that can do minor damage to you even when you are under cover). You have to stay under cover, count shots, memorize patterns, and then find the gap when you can jump out and take a shot or two. If you miss the gap or don't make the best of it with head shots, you have to get back under cover and wait a while for the next gap to come along. I enjoyed this part of the game the most. My friend, however, says he enjoys the rescue missions the most.

I found this game to have a lot of flaws in it. (KylieDog mentioned a large number of them.) And yet, I still somehow found it addicting. I finished it in just under 11 hours over a period of 3 days, which is much faster than how I normally play games. I think a big reason for this was because the dramatic pacing reminded me a lot of "24" (Jack Bauer) and I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen in the next scene.

I would really like to see a more polished sequel to this game.

Nintendo Network ID: ramuji
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PS3 ID: ramuji_69

Thanks for the info

That last comment is why I like Nintendo games. I feel, too often, that developers run out of steam. They put the effort and budget into the first few levels and then it's all down hill.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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I´ll get it today

I'm gettin it!

I got it!

Elaine: I will never understand people

Jerry: They're the worst.

i'm moving more and more towards a purchase... might take a look at it tomorrow!

wii friend code: 3164-3458-9149-5470

PSN ID: youjiro87

360 Gamertag: PM me to find out!

Just played a bit and it's what I was hoping for:

Funny (though maybe unintentional)
Different to what is coming out these days

Not very impressive technically, but good rythm, good gameplay, was tough putting it down.

Bought Fable II at the same time but will not touch before a while with Disaster (good thing LBP got delayed cause I would have bought that as well and then I would have gotten a real log jam on my hands...).

Conclusion: first impression of Disaster is a good one!

Elaine: I will never understand people

Jerry: They're the worst.