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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GTA IV Just Misses Perfect Famitsu Score ......


"The magazine reviewed Grand Theft Auto (PS3/Xbox 360) for its localized October 30th Japan release, giving it a 39/40."



not bad at all,,

can this boost HW sales in japan?

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no, probaly not. it will sell decent there

only just? this game don't deserve more then 35/40 at maximum.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

I think it should boost it a little. Remember SA on PS2 opened to sales of 220k, and sold over 400k in total, so there should be a little something for PS3 and 360

i don't understand the localization, it would feature Japanese voices??
or just japanese menus ??

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I really good score, but imo it dosent deserve it.


Wonder how it will do.


We won't be able to tell anyway. GTAIV launches the same week LBP launches and 80GB bundles with GT5P and LBP. I think 40-50k isn't to high of an estimate but we won't be able to say how much of the boost is due to GTAIV, how much due to LBP and how much due to new hardware/bundles.

kamil said:

We won't be able to tell anyway. GTAIV launches the same week LBP launches and 80GB bundles with GT5P and LBP. I think 40-50k isn't to high of an estimate but we won't be able to say how much of the boost is due to GTAIV, how much due to LBP and how much due to new hardware/bundles.


 If i remember correctly Thesource said in a preview that the preorders was at 50k for Gta4 or maybe im misstaken.


Is it good or bad?

edit: And when did he say that? (Not to question your reliability but it's not in last preview and it makes a difference if 50k preorders were a month or a week before release).