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Forums - Gaming Discussion - OMG! Fanboys are so lame (proof by Metacritic)

I'm a bit surprised and at the same time not surprised to the things fanboys would do...but still these are different genres, there's not even a point to fighting amongst each other. Ridiculous -_-

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

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Meh. If people are scared of your game, that just means your game must be badass.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

LBP is not an RPG.. so why would people who thought Fable 2 was going to be RPG of the year give a fuck about LBPs score... you've connected two mutually exclusive points out of nothing

Have you considered it could be Nintendo fans that are jealous that a game that seems best suited on their own console (in terms of demographics) is doing so well? It could be.. that doesn't mean it is.. stop making claims out of thin air

Shoestar said:

Feel free to contribute :) I for myself am waiting for the release of WKC. Not because I intend to buy the game but because this time, it is the PS3 fanboys that are touting it as the RPG of the year. If it is indeed the case, so much the better for them but if it is a flop... I will enjoy laughing! ^^ Anyone wants to say WKC will be huge?


Schadenfreude? I think that sort of mindset is disgusting.

Some people are jealous and mad that a game on the other console is getting better scores than the game on their console. Of course they would go wasting their time lowering the scores... all just for their game. Personally.. I wouldn't waste my time doing it. 2000+ reviews on a game that hasn't come out and not many played it? the heck?!

Plus I don't think people will be putting bad scores on the game because of the delays, a week or two won't kill them to do such a dumb thing.

"Universal Acclaim" and like twenty seven (27) 90+ reviews shows how HUGE it is compared to Fable. People still doubt it will sell much.. I find it funny. The ignorance on some people are so high that they stay focused on one and only one thing that matter most to them.

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I think its running deeper that just LBP have a look at Fallout 3 and the respective user scores for the PS3 and 360 versions and how many have voted


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

Game reviews count for nothing these days. Sales of the games is the most important factor.

Agreed! (with title)

I also agree with title.

I also hope this sells better than Fable 2. Not that I don't want Fable 2 to sell well :). It's just that I want to see more meta game elements applied as mainstream. Like full fledged Physics. ha and I rembered being laughed at by "hardcore" gamers about physics engines being a serious definition of future gaming.

Go LBP. Boo revierwers. Boo fanboys.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

So how do I vote down LBP? It sounds like fun!
