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Forums - General Discussion - What Do You Like Most About Global Warming?

The fact that research on proving it wrong is frowned uponed.


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4 ≈ One

I don't think global warming is even real but...

what I like the most is the claim that sheep and cow methane emissions fuel global warming.

I hope it`s real and I hope it destroys us all. I don`t plan to have any children so I don`t realy give a flying f*** about the future generations.

Quem disse que a boca é tua?

Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!


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London is essentially f**ked, making Birmingham the capital city of Britain

What I like best about it is how people are finally coming around and admitting that the data is far from certain. We don't know what's causing it but more and more, we're seeing evidence that this could be a natural climate change and not the result of man.

This thread is a perfect example. There are more people talking about how it might be natural than there are claiming that it's manmade. Three or four years ago, that wouldn't have been the case.

Either way, we need to find out what is causing it and try to minimize its impact.

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I hate it why would i like global warming?

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Kasz216 said:

That it shows how self involved people are thinking they're the cause of everything when the largest manmade cause of CO2 is infact...

Cows farting.

Do cows really fart that much more then every other wild animal on the planet?

Really now?

Even if they did... fart more then the millions of animals all over the place... that would mean the most effective way to combat global warming would be to cut down on meat. Not all this other stuff we're trying to do.


Cows fart more than everything in the universe combined.  We don't even have to go vegetarian.  We could just eat more fish and chickens and help minimize global warming.

Also, cows use more water and wheat (which uses water too) than anything because they're so damn huge.  If we cut down on cows, we'd be helping the climate and saving tons of clean water for other people and plants.
