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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will PES PS3 boost weekly PS3 sales to 100k+ in others

^ see, is hard....

OT well...100K+ that's too much, I dont think so...but we'll see.

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I think it should get at least a 15-20K boost. What will be more important though is if it can provide a long term boost of at least 5K per week.




I dont think there will be any boost.. but I wouldnt be suprised if there is a slight boost in hardware sales.



PES is probably the biggest incentive for PS2 owners to upgrade to a PS3 in Europe. It should give PS3 a nice boost in sales in Europe for the rest of the year.

Possibly PS2 users updating but considering there still is a PS2 version maybe not as much as we would think considering they would have had a similar opportunity last go around.

I think it has a shot at 100k but I question whether it has anything to do with PES 09 and maybe just sales increasing with the times.

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Thanks man. Finally someone with a brain and someone who knows the sales trend in europe

PES is a huge game in continental europe.Although Fifa sold more in UK PES will easily sell more in Spain/France /Germany and Italy

I am quite sure it will boost ps3 sales by quite an amount for the week

PES is bundled with the 360 in Europe

When i went to buy the game on the 17th, it was sold out everywhere i was going for the PS3, but i could find tones of x360 and PC versions. So yes it is most likely it will boost sales

I would not be to suprised. We are right on the edge of the holiday boost, and the PS3 has a lot coming out over the next few weeks. PES is a good start, and with the launch of Bioshock this week, and the pending release of LBP, I am sure some people will have started to bust open the bank early. If may fall a little short in this weeks #'s, but come next week PS3 will see 100K+ for the rest of the year.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


outlawauron said:
Maybe not that high, but we should see a 10k increase at least.

+10K, +20K or even +30K, but +100K ... nope.