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Forums - Gaming Discussion - IGN: We ran into blank screen in Far cry 2 on Xbox360

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Smashed said:
It's probably not for PS3, simply because its, well.. PS3.


The PS3 has the same graphical capabilities as the 360. when the PS3 has bugs in multiplats, it's blamed on lazy developers, when 360 has them it's blamed on system limits. Sheer biased and pro-Sony. You are also a poster that often opines on how it's impossible to put many PS3 games on the 360, because they are "impossible."

You are silly. I could sell you anything I got ready to sell you, I could just put a Playstation logo on the side and you'd buy it hook, line, and sinker.



The Xbox 360 had 3 programmers working on that version. The PS3 had 14.


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Interesting to see all these reviews when they come out; IGN US gave PS3 an 8 for graphics...360 lowest score for graphics from IGN was a 90 (IGN UK) from the review the OP was referring to. Unfortunately we don't have all three IGN reviews for PS3 or 360 yet.

Some of the earlier posts were funny though... the POWER OF THE CELL rules above all else!!!! HAHA.

Edit: corrected "90" to "9".


You referring to the optional 360 install? If this is a loading issue, which is seems to be, I think the install would solve the issue.

Don't take my word for it though, it just seems to make sense. IGN said after a few seconds it would load in.

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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Smashed said:
It's probably not for PS3, simply because its, well.. PS3.


The PS3 has the same graphical capabilities as the 360. when the PS3 has bugs in multiplats, it's blamed on lazy developers, when 360 has them it's blamed on system limits. Sheer biased and pro-Sony. You are also a poster that often opines on how it's impossible to put many PS3 games on the 360, because they are "impossible."

You are silly. I could sell you anything I got ready to sell you, I could just put a Playstation logo on the side and you'd buy it hook, line, and sinker.


 I dont think so..

Sony keep claiming the PS3 is a superior machine graphicly, despite the fanboys saying its not.. have yet to see a game passed Uncharted or MGS4 visually..




this is not a bug people ,,this is a loading issue which will only be fixed by installing,,,,,we still don't know PS3 requires an install or not,,,,So PS3 might suffer from the same thing,,,so relax




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Euphoria14 said:

You referring to the optional 360 install? If this is a loading issue, which is seems to be, I think the install would solve the issue.

Don't take my word for it though, it just seems to make sense. IGN said after a few seconds it would load in.



What do you think? Massive loading choke? I mean instead of popping in bits and pieces it does the whole lot at once.


leo-j said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Smashed said:
It's probably not for PS3, simply because its, well.. PS3.


The PS3 has the same graphical capabilities as the 360. when the PS3 has bugs in multiplats, it's blamed on lazy developers, when 360 has them it's blamed on system limits. Sheer biased and pro-Sony. You are also a poster that often opines on how it's impossible to put many PS3 games on the 360, because they are "impossible."

You are silly. I could sell you anything I got ready to sell you, I could just put a Playstation logo on the side and you'd buy it hook, line, and sinker.


 I dont think so..

Sony keep claiming the PS3 is a superior machine graphicly, despite the fanboys saying its not.. have yet to see a game passed Uncharted or MGS4 visually..



lol, the difference is so small, it's unnoticable. Gears 2 and Uncharted are almost identical. Saying "zomg ps3 exclusives pwn" when they are so close is just a sign your fishing for anything to make the PS3 seem superior...which you are.

so I DOOOO think so. Oh yeah I mf'n DO!

Are you really telling me that because Sony said it that it's true? Do you even own a 360 to compare games or are you using generally accepted wisdoms?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
leo-j said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Smashed said:
It's probably not for PS3, simply because its, well.. PS3.


The PS3 has the same graphical capabilities as the 360. when the PS3 has bugs in multiplats, it's blamed on lazy developers, when 360 has them it's blamed on system limits. Sheer biased and pro-Sony. You are also a poster that often opines on how it's impossible to put many PS3 games on the 360, because they are "impossible."

You are silly. I could sell you anything I got ready to sell you, I could just put a Playstation logo on the side and you'd buy it hook, line, and sinker.


 I dont think so..

Sony keep claiming the PS3 is a superior machine graphicly, despite the fanboys saying its not.. have yet to see a game passed Uncharted or MGS4 visually..



lol, the difference is so small, it's unnoticable. Gears 2 and Uncharted are almost identical. Saying "zomg ps3 exclusives pwn" when they are so close is just a sign your fishing for anything to make the PS3 seem superior...which you are.

so I DOOOO think so. Oh yeah I mf'n DO!

Are you really telling me that because Sony said it that it's true? Do you even own a 360 to compare games or are you using generally accepted wisdoms?

not killzone 2.


I haven't come across any blank screens or even hick-ups, have been playing it only for a few hours though (360 version). I was not really impressed with the graphics actually, they look good, but it isn't with the best looking titles on consoles ( and it certainly isn't close to Crysis)

Jo21 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
leo-j said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Smashed said:
It's probably not for PS3, simply because its, well.. PS3.


The PS3 has the same graphical capabilities as the 360. when the PS3 has bugs in multiplats, it's blamed on lazy developers, when 360 has them it's blamed on system limits. Sheer biased and pro-Sony. You are also a poster that often opines on how it's impossible to put many PS3 games on the 360, because they are "impossible."

You are silly. I could sell you anything I got ready to sell you, I could just put a Playstation logo on the side and you'd buy it hook, line, and sinker.


 I dont think so..

Sony keep claiming the PS3 is a superior machine graphicly, despite the fanboys saying its not.. have yet to see a game passed Uncharted or MGS4 visually..



lol, the difference is so small, it's unnoticable. Gears 2 and Uncharted are almost identical. Saying "zomg ps3 exclusives pwn" when they are so close is just a sign your fishing for anything to make the PS3 seem superior...which you are.

so I DOOOO think so. Oh yeah I mf'n DO!

Are you really telling me that because Sony said it that it's true? Do you even own a 360 to compare games or are you using generally accepted wisdoms?

not killzone 2.


Killzone 2 isn't gods gift to gaming. Im in the beta right now, its good but it doesn't shatter the earth wherever it walks dude.

