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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Triple A Games overrated?

Yeah but Pierce gets close. Bond is meant to be a big bruiser who is also a charming womaniser. Pierce only ever managed to pull off the second part.

Plus the films he starred in were the most crappily written films in the series - a giant space laser melting a palace of ice? Did they hire five year olds to write that plot?

Casino Royal was a great way to restart the series to actually have Bond as a tough man as well as a suave spy.

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Brosnan was bad as well but at least people remember his name. Dalton is rightfully forgotten he was bad in everyway imaginable. Craig is a returnf ot form as was the last movie. I cannot wait for Quantum of Solace.

LOL at how this thread became about Bond.

Why are people talking about James Bond?

On topic:

Well when one review can f#ck the average metacritic review for the game, then Id say the reviews arent fair , example Ratchet and Uncharted both AAA titles, are they considered? No.

Why? Because a beutiful website known as GAMESPOT decided to give them both a score of 74, then again reviewers can be ass holes at times, but really who cares. I love resistance and its at 87, I dont care if the reviewer gives it a 5, sure I would complain that the review would make no sense, but again Im the gamer thats enjoying the game.



Yeah some games that aren't triple A are really good like mk wii.

well i been playing since june a AAA title metal gear solid 4.

no they are not overrated, they are rated high because of the masterpiece they are.

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1. You're right about people giving reviews too much credit.
2. Reviews are often made by people that are already intimate with games. If you are on their level, go by scores. If not, they don't really tell you much.
3. The review system is broken. Avarage score is way too high, and the 100 grade scale should, in my humble opinion, be abolished.

This is invisible text!

Casino Royale was the worst in the series. The plot went nowhere, three people died in the entire 90 minutes and Daniel Craig cannot act.

Back on topic, I don't really care about metascores because they include several junky publications that nobody likes *cough* Edge *cough*

I look at IGN and Gamespot scores, take the IGN scores more seriously because the reviews are better written and not biased, and UNLESS I have been anticipating the game for a long time, the IGN score must be above 8/10. Good Gamespot scores are a bonus.

Having said that, if it gets like a 4/10, no amount of anticipation will make me buy a game. The system's never failed me before, don't see why it should in the future.

If there's a choice between a 9.3 racing game and an 8.6 action adventure, I'll go with the action adventure. The scores and reviews just let me know what good examples of games within a genre are.

Certainly, some games are overrated, like GTA4, and some, like Tools of Destruction, are underrated, but the majority, like MGS4 (although some would disagree on that one) are scored properly.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Casino Royawesome (trademark, Nathan Fillion) was a bloody good movie and a fantastic new direction for the Bond franchise.

Back on topic...

There are a few that I believe are over-rated, but not that many. Comes down to personal taste. I pretty much follow Kantor's philosophy when it comes to reviews.

I don't pay attention to review scores.

If I'm unsure about a game, in order of what i pay most attention to to least

i wiki the people involved in the game and see if i like their previous games
I ask my friends, because then I know exactly what their biases are, and i trust their opinions more than reviewers
I'll read around the user section of VGchartz
I'll check out the opinions of Penny Arcade and Zero Punctuation
I'll read a review. that's right, read the words. Not just the number at the top

scottie said:
I don't pay attention to review scores.

If I'm unsure about a game, in order of what i pay most attention to to least

i wiki the people involved in the game and see if i like their previous games
I ask my friends, because then I know exactly what their biases are, and i trust their opinions more than reviewers
I'll read around the user section of VGchartz
I'll check out the opinions of Penny Arcade and Zero Punctuation
I'll read a review. that's right, read the words. Not just the number at the top

Lol people take Zero Punctuation seriously?


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective