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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Can you honestly tell me why you hate Wii Music?

How terribly ironic. Before the fact that actual sense of rhythm and balance are needed to perform well in Wii Music was known, people complained that the game would be piss-easy and anybody could perform a great song just by doing their best spastic ape impression. Now that it's known that you can't impersonate a spider monkey who's just discovered a tarantula in its fur and expect great results, people are bitching that the game is too inaccessible. Heaven forbid you need some actual skills beyond rote memorization and timed button-mashing to succeed...

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

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The only conclusion i can make from this video is that it sounded so bad that they just dubbed the orginal version of the song over the clip, because it seriously looks like they are having NO influence on the music.

coasterlove said:

1. There have been many horrible games where the developer obviously didn't try and produced a God awful game but many of those didn't even get mentioned.

2. I think the issue is that this game seems to define the feeling that Nintendo is catering to casual fans over the hardcore and so many gamers have used this game as their scape goat.

So if people can explain their reasons seriously, realistically and most importantly honestly why they hate this game, I'd love to hear it.

1.  Yes there have been many such games.  But those are not by Nintendo. We have come to expect crap from third parties.  First, because they don't even try and secondly because they are not even remotely as talented as Nintendo.  From Nintendo we expect so much more.

2.  You hit the nail on the head for my situation.  I want to be playing Pikmin 3, F Zero and/or Wave Race this Christmas season.  But I am not going to be playing any of those.  If Nintendo hadn't been focusing on Wii Music then I am sure at least one of those games (preferably Pikmin 3) would have been available for me to play.  I accept none of those games will sell anything close to what Wii Music can sell but I don't care.  I want a core game for Christmas and what I would have expected from Nintendo would be Animal Crossing or Wii Music and a core game.  Not Animal Crossing and Wii Music.


Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


Ok, so let me ask this, if Nintendo had announced one or two big first party games such as an F-Zero and Star Fox and both looked like they would be great and coming out before this year is over, would people still hate Wii Music as much? This hypothetical being that Wii Music is the same exact game coming out now, would so many gamers ridicule it if they had some big first party Nintendo games to look forward to in the next couple months. I think people would be more accepting of the game or at least not say they hate a video game just because it doesn't appeal or cater to them. Just my opinion anyway.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

coasterlove said:
Ok, so let me ask this, if Nintendo had announced one or two big first party games such as an F-Zero and Star Fox and both looked like they would be great and coming out before this year is over, would people still hate Wii Music as much? This hypothetical being that Wii Music is the same exact game coming out now, would so many gamers ridicule it if they had some big first party Nintendo games to look forward to in the next couple months. I think people would be more accepting of the game or at least not say they hate a video game just because it doesn't appeal or cater to them. Just my opinion anyway.

If that was the case I would not hate Wii Music at all.  I would not even care that the game existed and would just get on with my business.  The problem is that there are no big first party games coming out but there is Wii Music.  We know Wii Music is Miyamoto's baby so the fact that no big game is coming out can really be attributed to Wii Music.  Which is why I hate it so much.  It may not be the worst game ever made but it is the game that has deprived us of a big game this season and hence the hatred.


Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


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So basically, you hate Wii Music because you believe you're entitled to whatever you want and Wii Music is not what you want. How... immature.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

It looks crap, saying that Nintendo Wii hardware is crap and still sells. Wii Fit's crap and that sells. Another gimmick that will sell even thou it's crap.

IGN's review of Wii Music's speaks for itself.


Our condolences to the two-and-a-half million people who buy this game.

It might flop bigstyle. It deserves too it's that bad.

I've noticed this before (the whole achievements craze worming through the industry), but I think it's sad that so many people require rigidly defined arbitrary goals to achieve in order to have fun at a game.

Sounds more like work to me.

In Wii Music, your goal is to make music which sounds good. But because there's no big splash screen that says "You're Winner!", so many people just aren't interested in trying to achieve this. How is a program supposed to know what good music sounds like? Why do people need the approval of a program to validate their play?

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

^^I guess that means you also sell.

I started out as indifferent but now I'm interested in trying out. The recent videos floating around are doing it justice.

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

BoleroOfFire said:
^^I guess that means you also sell.

I started out as indifferent but now I'm interested in trying out. The recent videos floating around are doing it justice.


 lol, guess your easy pleased.