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Forums - Sales Discussion - I've been paying atention to console sales predictions......come on people!

Galaki said:
Yep, the government is going to give everyone a coupon to pick up a free PS3 along with an HDTV to spice up the economy.


 Lol.  Anyway why would they be interested in a Japanese company?  Obviously the free coupon will be to pick up a 360.

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

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czecherychestnut said:
Hey remember JohnLucas's prediction of 60 million EOY 08 for Wii? All consoles have their share of crazy predictions. As for my predictions, I'll go 42mil Wii, 25 mil Xbox360, 20.5mil PS3, and 124mil PS2.


The funny part is they cant make 60 million WII's to

WII 41 million it needs no help

PS3 21 million (blue ray will help it)

360 26 million (the $200.00) arcade will help it

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

Kantor said:
libellule said:
Seihyouken said:
Last year PS3 sold over 4 million consoles between October 14th 2007 and January 6th 2008.

That was a period when the system had A 100$ PRICE CUT, zero AAA exclusives and had HD-DVD still competing with Blu-ray.

Expect PS3 to sell at least 5 million more by 2009.


 fixed ;)

Price cuts have maximum effect when they actually make you cheaper than the opposition.

I personally think that 24 million PS3 sales predictions are ridiculous, but at the other end of the spectrum, so was one 19 million prediction I saw. That same person went on to predict the Xbox 360 at 27 million. Yes, the 360 is going to sell MORE than it did last year despite the fact that year over year sales have fallen some 80%.

I say 21.5 million for PS3 and 24 million for 360 are perfectly reasonable.

As for the Wii, it sells well. That's a fact. I say 40 million is the low end, the high end is like 43 million. I don't like it, but it's true.

EDIT: To the OP, out of interest, what are your predictions?


Why doesn't anyone on this website check their facts first... at least when they are this easy to check.

2007 (Jan - 2nd week of October)

Console Wii PS3 X360


2008 (equivalent to above)

Console Wii PS3 X360


Oh and the Wii above 40 million is a certainty, in fact I would say the minimum is more like 43 million, not max.... The max is perhaps 46 million.


No not really, a price drop attempts to be an incentive to customers who couldn't budget the product before hand... of course only those budgeted for that price range.

Also I do see the confusion though, the PS3 and Xbox360 kind of share the same demographic.

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The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

My personal prediction is that the PS3 will sell some 3 million units during this holiday season, the 360 will sell some 2.5 million, and the Wii will sell some 6 million. These are worldwide figures, of course.

The thing is, consoles virtually always sell out during the holiday season. Even the unpopular ones manage it. The PS3's failure to sell out during its first holiday season was an anomaly from which it has recovered, much as the NES did.

Because of this, the question of who can sell more consoles during the holiday season is a simple question of who can make more (and, in the case of the PS3 and 360, who could stockpile more in the months leading up to it).

As it stands, the Wii currently makes just under 2 million Wiis per month, and the November boost will bring that number to just over 2 million; the average over these three months will probably be just about in the 2 million range. Thus, I predict 37-38 million sold by the end of the year: 2 million per month for the next 2.5 months.

Early in the PS3's lifetime, Sony bragged about being able to make 1 million PS3s per months, but it has been a long time since their figures ever matched that, and their capacity has probably been reduced. Still, counting in stockpiles from the summer months, I believe it is likely that they will have an equivalent number of PS3s ready for the holiday season. My prediction, thus, is 18-19 million units sold by the end of the year: 1 million per month for October-December.

Microsoft has never boasted a manufacturing capacity as big as Sony's or Nintendo's. However, the price cut presents a problem for holiday availability: it blew too many units too quickly, and I don't think Microsoft will be able to recover its stockpiles quickly enough. Assuming MS was wise enough to hold some in reserve, it may be able to sell only slightly less than the PS3, at some 2.5 million worldwide, for a total of 23-24 million by the end of the year.

Quick summary:
Nintendo: 37-38 million
Sony: 18-19 million
Microsoft: 23-24 million

But I also don't believe that raw numbers are the only parts of the story worth telling. The 360 will sell less than the PS3, but will be perceived to be in greater demand because of the shortages (will it actually BE in higher demand? I don't know, and there won't really be a way to measure it anyway). It might even be perceived as in greater demand than the Wii, though I have my doubts on that. The Wii, infamous for being hard to find, will actually be perceived as the Great Available Console this year, despite still selling out ridiculously fast. The PS3 is the one that really stands to lose out here; while it will of course sell out, it is cursed with being in the middle of the pack supply-wise: it won't have rarity or availability to boost it.

One last question: was the timing of the 360 price cut a means of stealthily engineering a holiday shortage? The timing seems awfully strange when you could wait a couple of months and ride the holiday wave, unless the plan was to exhaust your stockpiles so that the resulting holiday shortage would look legitimate.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

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VGChartz Hardware data for the period 13th Oct 2007 to 29th Dec 2007:


Console Wii PS3 X360 PSP DS


If you combine that with their current worldwide totals you get:

DS: 94 Million
PSP: 43.5
Wii: 40 Million
XBox 360: 25 Million
PS3: 20 Million


Personally, I think that most of the consoles will sell within 1.5 Million of their 2007 numbers and the only one I really think can sell dramatically better is the Wii. The primary reason why the Wii can sell better is because of Supply ... Hypothetically speaking, I think if Nintendo had the supply they could sell 10 Million (or more) systems this Christmas.

Millennium said:
As it stands, the Wii currently makes just under 2 million Wiis per month, and the November boost will bring that number to just over 2 million; the average over these three months will probably be just about in the 2 million range. Thus, I predict 37-38 million sold by the end of the year: 2 million per month for the next 2.5 months.


 No way in hell is Nintendo going to sell that little over the next 2.5 months.  Both retailers and Nintendo would have been stockpiling for the holiday season and the Wiis available will be way in excess of your figures.

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


Millennium said:

Quick summary:
Nintendo: 37-38 million
Sony: 18-19 million
Microsoft: 23-24 million

I would REALLY like you to make a prediction here.

If you don't, well, I may just add those numbers in anyway for comic value.



Even with your very conservative estimate of 2 million Wii's a month for 2.5 months, that would still put the Wii at about 38.5 million. I will personally eat my blue and red stripey boxer shorts if it ends the year under 40 million.

For reference the Wii sold about 6.5 million in the same period last year (i.e. the last 2.5 months) and there is nothing to suggest it will sell less than that this year.

Ovy is on the mark about all of the predictions....Very few are close or right.

Predictions are far too high. 20-20.5m is a good middle ground for PS3 numbers. It's a better number than most fan predictions at the end of 2007 (which put the PS3 around 16-18m in typical predictions, and 20m at the highest end).

Grade: C- (far too high given the low PS3 userbase)

Too low. Many, many users have argued 22m-24m for the entire year. User predictions have stayed steady with the X360 at said level. I was the only person bullish enough to go above 25m with a 27m prediction made last year. I know I'm too high, but the X360 looks to land anywhere from 25m-27m.

Grade: B- (closer than PS3 estimates, but still pretty low).

Too varied. On one hand, you had a lot of people (including myself) going too low -- Into the 35m area late last year, which was off pretty bad (the Wii, at a minimum, is tracking at 38m, but could go as high as 44m, with 40-41m being a great median), but then you had guys like JL predicting 60m, and securing a bandwagon of supporters that were above 50m which was just insanely stupid too. However, predictions have got better over time to more reasonable levels.

Grade: B+ (considering recent predictions are in the 40m area, which are very reasonable).

Obviously, you can see my own predictions and how bad they were/are from late 2007. However, it was/is fun that I made them before most people did.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.