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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Could M$ use 'Cloud' storage solution for Arcade machines?

Could M$'s solution to the Arcade's storage problems be to house the data in the 'cloud'? They already have SkyDrive and such, with Live Mesh or whatever they are calling their upcoming cloud services just around the corner. Saved games could easily be streamed.

Positives: The usual positives associated with cloud based applications.

Negatives: The usual negatives associated with cloud based applications.

Don't lambast me, just throwing some ideas around stream of concious like.

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hmmm I like the idea.... but I don't think any connection is fast enough for most people to play a game that way... I'm not an expert in that field... but if possible I'd push the idea.... it's the future of computing anyway... I thought it'd take more time but apparently it's closer than I thought.... so where are all the people who didn't believe me.... (that it was really close, not that it would be for xb 360)

They absolutely shouldn't lean on it, but allowing you to post your saved files online could be an invaluable resource--especially for backing up your saves or loading them from a friend's place without carting hardware along.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

I thought that MS had already provided their solution, to give away the 512mb memory cards/offer 20gb hd's for $20?

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

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No. It won't work.

I was involved in a few discussions with the company I work for about cloud storage/processing. It's just not feasable at this point.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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mrstickball said:
No. It won't work.

I was involved in a few discussions with the company I work for about cloud storage/processing. It's just not feasable at this point.


I was looking to create a prototype of a Flex application running on Google's App Engine.  You would advise against this?

Pros?  Cons?  Any input would be appreciated as Flex is something I am doing as a hobby.  It would be a templating app for retail stores.

It would be nice... I wouldn't mind flash based games being put up as streaming... It's something that could be awsome and maybe open things up a bit to other developers.

They could load *any* Xbox Live Arcade game straight to memory and run it from there. So it might work to stream it, but the bandwidth costs would be pretty high right?


JaggedSac said:

Could M$'s solution to the Arcade's storage problems be to house the data in the 'cloud'? They already have SkyDrive and such, with Live Mesh or whatever they are calling their upcoming cloud services just around the corner. Saved games could easily be streamed.

Positives: The usual positives associated with cloud based applications.

Negatives: The usual negatives associated with cloud based applications.

Don't lambast me, just throwing some ideas around stream of concious like.

A little more specific?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Squilliam said:
They could load *any* Xbox Live Arcade game straight to memory and run it from there. So it might work to stream it, but the bandwidth costs would be pretty high right?


Thats what I'm thinking too

A viable infrastructure (read F*$&^@G FAST) would need to be in place first in the key markets. I can only see that being there perhaps in 2-3 years time

Proud Sony Rear Admiral