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Forums - Sales Discussion - XBOX 360 at 26.7 million jan 1st 2009

seece said:
coolestguyever said:
Absolutely not, way too high for end of year.

24 million maybe. 24.5 absolute max!!

I can't tell if you're serious or sarcastic ....


anyway it will hit above 25 mill thats for sure.



 he might be a ps3 fanboy

Around the Network

I say between 25 to 26mil.

KillaKB said:

after first week reporting of 2009 the 360 will be above 26.7 million besting xbox 1 easily,already

No :B

At the best shot it can reach 24 million. Not more!


kowenicki said:
fayewong said:

Xbox sold 3.5 million this time last year from October 27-December. If you add it up, they should have 24.5-25.5 million by end of the year. Xbox can't pull off selling 4 million units+ at the end of the year. Impossible.. likely... but impossible.

PS3 should have 19-20 million by end of the year. 18 million guaranteed.


 how can something be likely and impossible at the same time?  possible but unlikely is what you meant perhaps?

 yes haha. Sorry for the poor English. Sometimes I don't read over that I post.. :P

Someone said it is selling more this year than last year. That I do know cause of the pricecut but it seems to be wearing out after 5 weeks. This should be one of the major factors for the holidays is the cheap price... so who knows. I'd still stick with 25.5 just to be on the safe side. It is possible to go past 26 million too.


25.5 million is a more realistic end of year install base target. So if X360 reaches 26 million it will have exceeded expectations

Around the Network

At this time last year the 360 was at 12,629,192 worldwide. By the last week of December it'd reached 15,822,293. That means it sold 3,193,101 during that period. At the moment the 360 is at 21,435,247. Considering the 360 has been trending above its 2007 sales the minimum the 360 could sell is 24,628,348 and thats at the least.

Add in the great releases the 360 is getting, its better sales position in Japan and the recent pricecuts its recieved everywhere (not to mention the new xbox experience and whatever effect it has), is it so hard to see the 360 selling at the least 26 million?

I certainly think its more then possible.

I expect 25.3m Xbox 360 on Jan. 1st 2009

OP: it is an achievable prediction to be sure, mine however would be closer to 26 flat

ill say 26.2 but there is a great chance for 26.7 people say that 24 m max must be on crack or something lol

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

illuminatus said:
I expect 25.3m Xbox 360 on Jan. 1st 2009


 it is for first week reporting in 2009