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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft, This Is How You Blow Your PS3 Lead In Japan


I posted similar last week...

... and just yesterday I went back to the same store and it was still flashing. I don't think it was the connections as its been like that for almost 2 weeks now.

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thats not the red ring of death, its red HALO :p

Squilliam said:
What the heck? Is there any airflow in that display case?



Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

I stuck my 360 next to my heater to keep me cozy in the cold winter months. Thats just mean!


ROFLOL...and the beat goes on...and 360 keeps chugging along.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Around the Network

Crap people, you act like consoles can't break.


I thought RRoD was fix'd.


RROD it's a die hard :D

probably is the problem of airflow in that display case =="