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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Official Fable 2 Review thread!

I'll just tell him. Molly said it was a 9/10. Remember? Look where it landed. Saying this game is a "flop" to nearly the extent of Too Human is a result of fanboyism, plain and simple, why hint around it. It amounts to someone trying to marginalize the game, like it was a disappointment, when actually, it landed at or above a lot of people's expectations. Especially with several of the harsher reviewers. Besides those "oh so imporant numbers for people who can't read" the actual reviews, from gamespot especially, suck the games c^%k.

Saying, "It has not turned out like it should have been," is an ignorant presumption from someone who didn't even know anything about the first game. This guy didn't even know about gay marriage being in the game, he's never even lain eyes upon a summary of it. Oh boo hoo for Xbots, their new exclusive is only 9/10. It's another Too Human. Christ. That's an ignorant of a flamebait troll as I've heard. It did the job by pissing me off, or I wouldn't have responded, but sheesh, this guy.

It's another case of a Sony fan trying to rub in "bad news" where none exists.

If I asked someone a week ago if Fable 2 was gonna get better reviews than LBP, everyone would have laughed at me. Now, suddenly, Fable 2 fails because it only got "Great" range Uncharted 9/10 reviews? Fable 2 fails with a 9/10?

Ok. Too Human failure by Molly...or ignorant foeboy marginilization. You decide.

Keeping in mind that Skeeuk tried to marginalize it twice earlier, when the reviews were resoundingly positive(like they are now, lowest is just below 80). He said we should think twice about buying a game with gay marriage in it. Now he says the reviews are too low. He's hated on this game for quite a while, albiet passive-agressively, and he's said that never in his life has he loved the upcoming titles of one system more than another than with his amazing PS3 over his 360. So yeah...don't let him get you down.

Final word: I don't think you'll find too many Xbox fanboys that would trade Fable 2 for LBP. That's real. Genres matter. For instance: I like 9/10 jrpgs better than 10/10 puzzle games any day of the week. I like 9/10 arpgs better than 9.4/10 2d platformers, and I'm not alone.

The most ignorant thing of all is putting so much weight on such a small differential in numbers, but that's a topic for another time. Besides the obvious fallacy in the Too Human comparison(high level flop), Ninja Gaiden 2 had higher expectations than Fable 2, yet scored lower. It still wasn't a failure. Fable 2 is just a larger success.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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skeeuk is the biggest fanboy on this site, unlike Crazzyman and the likes, Skee actually believes the s*** he spurts. and at his age ....


What do you guys consider a AAA title anyways? I consider it anything that can maintain at least a 90/91%ish rating and is console exclusive. There are a lot of titles that have over that that aren't console exclusive.

Anyways right now It has a 89.7% average on gamerankings. Pretty close to AAA titles.

This year PS3 versus 360
Little Big Planet 94.9%
MGS4 92.5%

Braid 92.3%
Geometry Wars 2 90.0%
Fable 2 89.7%

It's a pretty close race when you factor in Gears of War 2. Let's not forget Sony's other big guns before the close of the holiday season.

Also games that have scored atleast a 80% PS3 32 and 360 34.


Anyways Fable 2 is looking to be great critic wise, but mixed user wise. A lot of people online are giving it 8's more then 9's.

It's just that simple.

TBH I could care less what scores for this game compare to other games. If a game comes out for either system and I want it....I buy it. If X game on 360 or PS3 has a score greater than Fable 2 it's not going to tarnish my enjoyment of the game. I don't see the point of comparing two totally different games to each other. I also find it funny some are trying to spin overall very positive reviews into something negative. But more power to those that want to try..

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection


Note : it is a very good rating for them.

Time to Work !

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I failed, I really thought it would go 90+ on Metacritics... but it's really not a bad score. Hope it comes out on PC someday.

I really want to play this game since I can't get LBP until next week but I do not have the money to pick it up right now. I do not want to rent it either, this is a game that deserves a purchase.

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Since when Braid and Geometry Wars are considered titles? So far 360 didn't have one AAA titles this year and only GeOW2 have any chance left.

I just bought it. I'll throw a user review out eventually. Got it and Dead Space.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


^Good choice on Dead Space Zen.

I am very jealous you get to play Fable II as well.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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