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What do you guys consider a AAA title anyways? I consider it anything that can maintain at least a 90/91%ish rating and is console exclusive. There are a lot of titles that have over that that aren't console exclusive.

Anyways right now It has a 89.7% average on gamerankings. Pretty close to AAA titles.

This year PS3 versus 360
Little Big Planet 94.9%
MGS4 92.5%

Braid 92.3%
Geometry Wars 2 90.0%
Fable 2 89.7%

It's a pretty close race when you factor in Gears of War 2. Let's not forget Sony's other big guns before the close of the holiday season.

Also games that have scored atleast a 80% PS3 32 and 360 34.


Anyways Fable 2 is looking to be great critic wise, but mixed user wise. A lot of people online are giving it 8's more then 9's.

It's just that simple.