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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Official Fable 2 Review thread!

I"m so pissed I can't pick it up... I wonder if your illegitimate children can be used in some way. I have to be careful who to trust as well... I don't think I can handle someone coming in my game and killing my wife and kid(s)

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ZenfoldorVGI said:
NNN2004 said:

Dead Space get better score than Fable 2 ? .......... man & some people say its an average game .... still fable scores are great but not what i hoped.


Aggregate scores haven't settled yet, but I'm assuming you mean the gamespot review?

Also, anyone who says Dead Space is an "average" game has a right to their opinion...but in my opinion they are an idiot, lol.

I've heard nothing but praises about the game, though. Who says it's average?

There was a prediction thread about Fable 2 predicted averages. I'd like to ressurect that, just to reinforce what most people thought Fable 2 would score aggregately about a week ago.

I think that it met our reasonably high expectations, but I think a lot of people were hoping that it would surpass our expectations review-wise, like GTAIV. I think it met them, but didn't surpass them, on review scores. I have no doubt that if the game is nearly as good as the first it will surpass my gaming expectations, but we're talking scores here. It looks like the game will settle around the 9/10 marker, and I'd assume that is where it belongs. In a time where that average review score is dissapointing, I'm fairly upset with our "review culture" at this point. I feel it is now clear to me that we place far too much value in that number and not enough in our individual opinions.

I wish we could pick one dude to review all the games. His name should be TheSource, and it would be magnificant.

I also think that we would probably be happier gamers without reviews, lol.

Reviews just don't translate as well to gaming as they do to movies and books. Gaming and fun in general is a far more subjective experience(it being interactive and all) than are movies, books, or music(which are non-interactive, quantifiable, and the same for everyone).

For instance, someone might have an entirely different experience in World of Warcraft, LBP, or Fable 2, than I had. Yet if they listen to a new CD, they will hear the exact same thing I heard.


 its not only gamespot there is others also like Gamedaily , OXM UK & they all underrate the game like OXM did to Dead Space ... man even Dead Space overall score is better than Fable 2 one and that make me a little upset.

Eurogamer were always so tough...
I'd like to see what makes this game a 10 when SMG is only a 9 and MGS4 an 8 >_>

I usually look at a few reviewers... but Gamespot is so wierd now it's hard to find a new voice in their I agree with... I don't even bother with those two worthless sites IGN and Gamespy

NNN2004 said:


 its not only gamespot there is others also like Gamedaily , OXM UK & they all underrate the game like OXM did to Dead Space ... man even Dead Space overall score is better than Fable 2 one and that make me a little upset.


Which site are you looking at to see the overall review scores?

Fable 2 is still winning.

Still has Fable 2 over Dead Space.

Also, Fable 2 is slighly beating Dead Space at N4G also.

I think they are both great games, but I dunno where you got that as of right now, Fable 2 is getting beat in aggregate by Dead Space, because it's not.

Edit: Just checked metacritic, Fable 2 still winning there are well.

I am not trying to compare 2 great games, I'm just pointing out that since NNN2004 thought Fable 2 was losing to Dead Space in aggregate reviews, I would find out where he got that idea from? It certainly might end up beating it, but right now it's not.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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well its not turned out like it should have been.

ninja gaiden 2 - two human - fable 2 -

lets hope left for dead and gears of war 2 can salvage this year for 360 owners.

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

"well its not turned out like it should have been.
lets hope left for dead and gears of war 2 can salvage this year for 360 owners."

Is that supposed to be a serious statement? Because I laughed at it.

Are people in this thread actually downing a game that is sitting at 93 on MetaCritic? What is going on?

with 4 reviews i dont think its really credible.

masterb8tr said:
with 4 reviews i dont think its really credible.


Ok, 90 on GameRankings with 14 reviews.

And 90 on N4G with 42 reviews.