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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bungie: Our new IP isn't tied to Microsoft


Will it be on the triple? Who knows. But I'd be surprised if it wasn't multi-plat, now that they won't have Microsoft to spend the money on publishing, and pay for the game. They've gotta make it back somehow. And if it's gonna just be on 360, why go through the whole rigmarole of breaking up?

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Someones gonna get fired


halo coming to ps3 !! yippie sony wins

I think M$ will publish their new IP

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Heres hoping for a Wii fps that uses the Wiimote to the full.



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Hopefully they'll try a different genre. All major developers are multi-genre.
Maybe a Bungie RPG. Who knows?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Imthelegend said:
Heres hoping for a Wii fps that uses the Wiimote to the full.


If they made a non-fps for the Wii, I would sure as **** buy one.

halo on the ps3?.. idont know why somehow i feel... yakks!

Hope it's Oni sequel.


I'm thinking a PS360PC game, not completely out of their element but with a few twist to spice things up.