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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wich PS360 game looks worse than The Conduit?

Haven't read through the thread yet, so not sure if someone's already said it, but Dead Rising.

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LOL @ everyone that is making blanket statements that they neither can bup, nor refuse to defend.

Last comment analysis gives us this results more or less:

  - 50% agree that there are ugliest PS360 games than The Conduit such as Fear, Eragon, Ironman...

  - 50% says The Wii sucks Conduit looks good for a Wii game but nothing compared to HD games.

Tony Hawks American Wasteland
Tetris Evolution
and uhhh.......Double Dragon
err...Ms. Pac Man.

Those Xbox comparisons are from finished games, and the pics from The Conduit haven't even had the detailed textures added (which was noted by HVS just before TGS).

So I don't think that's a proper comparison, but then again this thread is really about bad comparisons. The final build could still take months, and we may not even see the full effects until it goes gold.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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LordTheNightKnight said:
Those Xbox comparisons are from finished games, and the pics from The Conduit haven't even had the detailed textures added (which was noted by HVS just before TGS).

So I don't think that's a proper comparison, but then again this thread is really about bad comparisons. The final build could still take months, and we may not even see the full effects until it goes gold.

But I said in the first post for people to consider that. Stills, there are people that agree that The Conduit already looks better then some PS360 games. Amen to that.

More opinions, more :B



@ d21lewis

Please tell me that that is not a shot from a PS360 game xD

The Conduit is better than some 360/PS3 games. Looks better than most the XBOX games, and better than the picture for Perfect Dark Zero for the 360.

Yes, Call of Duty 2 is available for the 360, and does not look as good as TC (IMO).

Some of this is subject to opinion, but it's funny how some people try to make blanket statements as if they are scared that their whole world will collapse if the wii has one FPS that has better graphics compared to 360 or PS3 FPS.


(Not to mention people spreading FUD like the wii can't do AA, which it can...)

Lets be fair with this comparison.

Let's compare a top-tier PS360 game with Conduit, since it's a top-tier Wii game. Right?

For 360, we'll go Gears 2

PS3, Killzone 2

Wii, Conduit

What did these pictures prove? Nothing we didn't already know, but it's not fun comparing games that aren't fair is it? Not a top-tier game compared to shovelware, or a game on a HD console to a game on a non-SD console.