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Forums - Sony Discussion - I don't think the PS3 can hit middle-high 5 mil consoles by the end of the year....

I wounder if there will be another million selling game this year. Beside Resistence and MotorStorm.


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I reckon the PS3 will sell 7m by the end of the year.

Oh and guys don't forget, that Europe will most likely get a price cut before the end of the year and this will boost sales as well. 

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)

roadkillers said:
I wounder if there will be another million selling game this year. Beside Resistence and MotorStorm.

 If they are relesed in Europe in 07

Rachet and Clank
Need for Speed Pro Street

Safe bets.

With the $499 60gb PS3, software flood late in the year and holiday buying rush.

Give or take 9 million probably, things just go freaky right maybe 12 million. Uncharted becoming the next Gears and White Night Story japan release this year sure would help.

Dolla Dolla said:
Soriku said:
I mean the killer AAA games for the PS3 are out in 2008 and the 2 big ones for this year, Warhawk and Lair are coming out next month! Anyway, there is NO chance 2 games will sell a million. No, a bunch of people WITH PS3s will buy then, FEW will buy a game for them. Heck, by the time they come out the PS3 might just be STARTING 4 mil console or are about to start (I get prediction from weekly sales). By year's end it won't sell 8 mil, or 7 mil, and I doubt 6 mil. Look at how long the PS3s been in 3 mil. MONTHS. Don't expect 6-8 mil. Expect a solid 4.9-5.5 if they're lucky. Please next year don't say "LAWLZ, FF XIII AND MGS4 WILL SELL 13 MIL CONSOLES TO KETCHUP WITH WII!11!!bbq!11! cause that won't happen. WKS might not help MUCH either (to sell PS3s). The OTHER games like SC IV, GTA4 (or is it 5? I forgot lol.), etc. I didn't count cause they're going to 360 too >_> Now I want your, honest, honest opinion on this. And if you're gonna act like a fanboy then I advise you LEAVE if you know what's good for you. P.S. All typed on Wii XD

All this talk is making me hungry.

LOL, I was wondering where you were going with that.

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NorthStar said:
Bodhesatva said:
MontanaHatchet said:

Of course it's misleading. Obviously it had an incredible sales boost at launch, so the numbers are skewed. What do you take me for? That's why I said ON AVERAGE.


I take you for... someone who is being misleading? Which apparently you openly admit to?

Why is an average misleading? the launch obviously was higher than the following months but The holiday this year will be much large in terms of sales than launch sales were. How can you not include every month the PS3 sold into an average? I suppose you just want to take the bad months and average those? An Average by nature is Not misleading it is very clear.

There is no way PS3 does not sell over 5 million this year. It's 100 dollars cheaper than last year and Quality games are coming now. While I am not knocking Nintendo's IP's they are certainly not what everybody wants. If "everyone" Loved metroid/Mario/Zelda wouldn't the gamecube have sold more.

I always hear about how the Bluray-HD-DVD war is far from over on this site. Mainly becase so many more people still use DVD's and have not made the switch. The same is true for the console war thus far The Wii 360 and PS3 totals are about 22 million sold......The PS2 alone has 125million sold. It is very clear that the vast majority of PS2 owners have not gone next gen yet. I think a good majority of PS2 owners want a PS3 but price is an issue. I can not think of any way Sony went terribly wrong last gen to have more than half the base jump to another brand

Is most of this post even directed at me? I completely agree that the system will sell over 5 million (and over 5.5 million, at that), and I've said that multiple times in this thread. I also agree that Blu-Ray has won the HD war, although that's completely non sequitor. Lastly -- adressing the only portion of your post that actually appears to be directed at me -- if you believe that the average isn't misleading, you should talk to the original poster, who openly stated that the statistic was, in fact, misleading.">">

That can be applied to the industry, Sony has been killing Nintendo for over a decade theres no way the under dog nintedo will win. Wii is like a flash-in-the-pan athlete that has one or two unbelievable seasons then totally dissepears into nothing.

Wait, what? Nintendo dominated ENTIRELY during the NES-SNES era, moreso than PS ever did. There is no way a company that has been around for as long as Nintendo, they've been around since the second generation - Sony didnt get in on the act till the fifth, can be considered flash in the pan.

Nintendo entered the vg business in the 3rd generation (NES/SEGA MASTER SYSTEM)...and I may be wrong,but although Nintendo managed to win with the SNES in the end,it wasn´t a "complete" dominance,as far as I know,the GENESIS put up one hell of a fight.

Nintendo entered the Video game business with the very first video game system, the Odyssy, which they distributed in Japan.

They continued on with thier own consoles, the GAme & Watch handhelds and Color TV Game home units in the second generation in Japan.

But these first two generations were still dominated by Atari.

Basically Nintendo has only been a dominant force for two generations, 3 and 4, Sony, 5 and 6, it works in two year cycles pretty much.

Atari = Gen 1-2
Nintendo = Gen 3-4
Sony = Gen 5-6

We may think of Nintendo as this time tested legend but they're really only been top dogs for the same length of time as Sony has, each owning two generations, and before them, Atari owning two generations.

AllAll said:

 That can be applied to the industry, Sony has been killing Nintendo for over a decade theres no way the under dog nintedo will win.  Wii is like a flash-in-the-pan athlete that has one or two unbelievable seasons then totally dissepears into nothing.

As always people seem to ignore handheld systems, consider:

PS2 (120) + PSP (22) + PS3 (4) = 148 Million pieces of hardware
GBA (80) + GC (22) + DS (45) + Wii (9.5) = 156.5 Million pieces of hardware

In the same (rough) time frame Nintendo has sold more hardware; even if you look at PS2 vs. GBA + Gamecube (which the PS2 has a lifetime advantage) Nintendo has still sold a respectable 102 Million pieces of hardware as compared to 120 Million for Sony.

Basically, Sony has not been killing Nintendo inspite of what the fanboys think; Nintendo just fell far behind in one area of the market and now seem to be changing that.