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Forums - Sales Discussion - Pachter - LBP to be SONY's secret weapon, Mirror's Edge to sell 2-3 Million

Xen said:
It's Patcher, people.. move along, nothing to see here.

Patcher is a shortened version of Pat Butcher.

Pachter is an analyst.


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TWRoO said:
Xen said:
It's Patcher, people.. move along, nothing to see here.

Patcher is a shortened version of Pat Butcher.

Pachter is an analyst.


Oh, sorry. hehe.



senortaco said:
...Where I find his prediction wrong is that you need more then one game to have casual appeal. Last gen PS2 had more then one. Nintendo took the idea that PS2 developed, and expound on it to the tenth power. Being short sighted led to Sony's position this generation.

...LBP is a good but JUST ONE GAME.

Too bad they have more then JUST ONE GAME. Not counting all the multiplatform casual games, they have the Hot Shots series, Singstar Series, Buzz! series, EyeToy series (Eyepet PS3 next year) and more upcoming ones like Flower.


I think history may not be on Sony's side this time.
A small install base, a costly console and an economic downturn.
Basically, if you don't own a PS3, you have to ask yourself -- is this game worth $460?
If you are worried about your job, or if consumer credit starts to feel the crunch in the mortgage sector, the answer may more often be no than people realize.

Mike from Morgantown

PS -- If you have a PS3, the game appears to be well worth $60.


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


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I must say that EA is improving, but it'll be a while before they reach the level of quality they had in 2001, before they were chugging out 5 games every week...
I guess Dead Space is a sign of their improvement. It's not like they were ever bad, they just find it hard to make an excellent game. Look at Paradise, Spore, Bad Company. Not bad, by any measure, but not excellent.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective


We'll see.

LBP is Huge, and Mirror's Edge will be good, but I don't know about LBP taking PS to the top.

darthdevidem01 said:
I do agree that FF7 was a catalyst for JRPG's on the PS1...& Japanese games for that matter!


same thing happen with FFX in the ps2... and FF13 likely do the same for the ps3 in japan.


generally nomura FF are the higher seller.


I thought we'd moved on from "This game will send the PS3 to the top"

MGS4 didn't do it
GTAIV didn't do it
LBP won't do it

SHMUPGurus said:
About LPB: I doubt it. Sure, it's trying to appeal to the audience that's making the Wii successful this generation, but it doesn't have that ''extra feature'' the Wii has (motion sensing and all that).

I know it might not be a good example of casual Vs hardcore, but if people we're expecting to see the PS3 (and X360) outselling the Wii with GTA IV, I don't see it happening here with LBP either. Same can be said with MGS 4, at some level. The Wii is untouchable now, PS3 Vs. X360 is something else though.

About Mirror's Edge: Yep, EA is definitely back. I mean, look at Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3! ;)


He said the ps3 (or rather, it's line up) would appeal to everyone.  Not that everyone would buy a ps3.

It's still $399, after all.