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Forums - Sales Discussion - LBP v Wii Music The Creativity Wars!

Oyvoyvoyv said:
Veggie said:
superchunk said:

Wii Music is probably Nintendo's weakest entry into the "Wii" title lineup.



I think that goes to Wii Play.

I loved Wii Play. I may have spent 30 hours on it now, and heck, it's far better than almost any 3rd party game on the machine.

If Wii Music beats that, I may be interested. When is it out in Europe?


Well it's clear that Nintendo put more effort into Wii Music than they did with Wii Play. I think all can agree upon that.

Around the Network

first few months? LBP after a few years? Wii Music.

Why the hate for Wii Music?? it's a Nintendo game made for the "casuals" but it's not aimed for the "snobcores" so they get mad when Nintendo don't release a new game for them every 2 months.

Most people who "hate" Wii Music haven't even played it and most of the haters grew up with PS1 and can't understand the appeal of this game for the rest of us who starting to play games in 80's.


BTW Wii music Bombed in Japan?? 50.000 sold day one....and this is just the beginning.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

libellule said:
LBP >>>> Wii music

(maybe not in term of sales)

(but since wii music bombed in japan, we can hope)



Ye becuase the first day is forever rite guyz

I just relies now, in Little Big Planet you don't kill anyone or shoot... my god...


LBP>>>>>>Wii Music - as a game
Wii Music >>>>> LBP - in term of sales i think

LPB is better since it can make music just like Wii Music and a lot more as well as being far more creative.
LBP is also better in the sense that for a Non- music orientated game it actually has some really good sound unlike Wii Music which i read on IGN i think it was, uses some crappy sound format (don't know the exact details but i'm sure you could find it online if you wanted to).
LBP offers gaming and creativity to all ages not just under 8's.