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Forums - Sony Discussion - RPGLand Reviews Valkyria Chronicles(PS3): 10/10

Fuck yeah! possibly the best SRPG in recent years.

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Riachu said:
blackstar said:
this score is coming from RPG lover , other sites may give it lower scores :(


The scores won't be that much lower.  I expect VC's review scores to be akin to what Okami, another artistic games, got.

Valkyria will probably get an 8-8.5 from sites like IGN, similar to how they scored ToV, least that's what I'm expecting.

On topic, great score, I hope they get more to help boost up sales.


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darthdevidem01 said:

another AAA exclusive for the Playstation 3 Interactive Multimedia System!

ZOMG!  So correct!

Another AAA Exclusive game for the Sony PlayStation 3 Interactive Multimedia System.

This will transition us nicely into 4-D gaming with more and more exclusive games coming out on our platform.

Based on the demo, it will probably be the best SRPG I have ever played.

This should be JRPG of the year. A real step above other JRPG's released this year in my opinion.

DMeisterJ said:
darthdevidem01 said:

another AAA exclusive for the Playstation 3 Interactive Multimedia System!

ZOMG!  So correct!

Another AAA Exclusive game for the Sony PlayStation 3 Interactive Multimedia System.

This will transition us nicely into 4-D gaming with more and more exclusive games coming out on our platform.



But seriously I am glad we are seeing no more Lair's, Too Human's or Haze's

the Demo was VERY addictive..


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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@dmeister j,,,,,,,buy the damn ps3 first LOL




darthdevidem01 said:
DMeisterJ said:
darthdevidem01 said:

another AAA exclusive for the Playstation 3 Interactive Multimedia System!

ZOMG!  So correct!

Another AAA Exclusive game for the Sony PlayStation 3 Interactive Multimedia System.

This will transition us nicely into 4-D gaming with more and more exclusive games coming out on our platform.



But seriously I am glad we are seeing no more Lair's, Too Human's or Haze's

the Demo was VERY addictive..

What is so funny?

We are harnessing the power of the cell through this game Valkyria Chronicles.

It will get ten out of tens for being exclusive to the PlayStation 3 Interactive multi-media 4-D next generation gaming system.

There is nothing 'lol'-worthy about this.

The demo is supposed to be addictive.  The cell is so strong, it's able to program your mind to do exactly what it wants to.  If it wants you to play and love the exclusive demo for the exclusive game, Valkyria Chronicles, exclusively for the PlayStation 3 Interactive multi-media 4-D gaming, next-generation platform, you will.


@ DmeisterJ, not only will it take us to 4D, it will also force us to work to get it :),,, ahhhhhhhhhhhh Kutaragiiiiiii how i miss u

Great score, for a potential sleeper hit lost in the sea of huge releases!



Currently Playing: Final Fantasy XIII (PS3), White Knight Chronicles (PS3), PES 2010 (PS3), Killzone 2 (PS3)

Games to Finish: Silent hill Homecoming (PS3), Valkyria Chronicles (PS3), Oblivion (PS3)

DMeisterJ said:
darthdevidem01 said:
DMeisterJ said:
darthdevidem01 said:

another AAA exclusive for the Playstation 3 Interactive Multimedia System!

ZOMG!  So correct!

Another AAA Exclusive game for the Sony PlayStation 3 Interactive Multimedia System.

This will transition us nicely into 4-D gaming with more and more exclusive games coming out on our platform.



But seriously I am glad we are seeing no more Lair's, Too Human's or Haze's

the Demo was VERY addictive..

What is so funny?

We are harnessing the power of the cell through this game Valkyria Chronicles.

It will get ten out of tens for being exclusive to the PlayStation 3 Interactive multi-media 4-D next generation gaming system.

There is nothing 'lol'-worthy about this.

The demo is supposed to be addictive.  The cell is so strong, it's able to program your mind to do exactly what it wants to.  If it wants you to play and love the exclusive demo for the exclusive game, Valkyria Chronicles, exclusively for the PlayStation 3 Interactive multi-media 4-D gaming, next-generation platform, you will.


I agree completely I apologise for the LOL I the Sony Playstation 3 Interactive Multi-Media 4-D Computer Entertainment & Gaming System deserves nothing more than respect from all of us for pushing the technological barriers through the power of the versatile Cell Broadband Engine. The Cell helps games to share a symbiotic relationship with gamers throughout the planet & truly helps the Sony Playstation 3 Interactive Multi-Media 4D Computer Entertainment & Gaming System the console of choice for not only the west but for the whole world.

Valkyria Chronicles is once again a game which will push the boundries of this generation & go on to be remembered as one of the key titles that led to the Sony Playstation 3 Interactive Multi-Media 4D Computer Entertainment & Gaming System giving its owners the best experience ever!


All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

wow i did not expect 10/10 although still need to see other review sites, maybe 9/10? if not 8/10 oh well still very nice!!! definent buy for me