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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Help is needed to decied for Little big planet.

Im not sure if im gonna buy it or not, here is why. I dont know if i would like it im really into shooters, fighting, and rpg games, in the beginning i saw a couple of trailers and wasnt interested but since than i watch more trailers and all with E3, Tgs and the announcement of Kratos sackboy , Nariko, Snake and Sephiroth and most all the hype i got and all the great reviews it got my interest got higher say like 75% for buying it but im not 100% for a buy beacuse im afraid if i buy maybe it i wont be playing it so much, i really tryed to get in 2 the beta but i failed that could have helped my quite a bit but thats life. Right now i have decied to buy Resistance 2 and Motorstorm pacific rift but i want a third so what do u think should i buy Little big planet.


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you can play with many people online, plus you can create things. This never gets old since theres always something new in every level. If you have doubts about it, you can always rent and try it before you buy it.

I just hate those types that feels its too kiddy and afraid their friends will make fun of them playing it cause its not manly enough. So they don't even think about getting it. Oh noes! its too girly for me! *runs away*

fayewong said:

you can play with many people online, plus you can create things. This never gets old since theres always something new in every level. If you have doubts about it, you can always rent and try it before you buy it.

I just hate those types that feels its too kiddy and afraid their friends will make fun of them playing it cause its not manly enough. So they don't even think about getting it. Oh noes! its too girly for me! *runs away*

Well i cant rent it cause there isnt any place to do that and im not that type if i like a game i buy it.



huh? you mean you would buy a game even if you hate it? i thought you would buy games that you would like and have interest in playing for a long time.

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Tbone said:
fayewong said:

you can play with many people online, plus you can create things. This never gets old since theres always something new in every level. If you have doubts about it, you can always rent and try it before you buy it.

I just hate those types that feels its too kiddy and afraid their friends will make fun of them playing it cause its not manly enough. So they don't even think about getting it. Oh noes! its too girly for me! *runs away*

Well i cant rent it cause there isnt any place to do that and im not that type if i like a game i buy it.



I'd wait until the community built a little bit, the game dropped in price on Ebay, and you can tell if it's a fad or not, like Nintendogs was.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


You comparing this to Nintendogs??!?! oh no you didn't~ hahah

Its not fad, its the new style of playing games. NOt like FPS... you shoot, shoot and shoot. This game has no violence with blood, so it should get more people interested. thats why they are bundling it like the other good games they have bundled. This is going surpass that of MGS4 since it was getting attention on the older audiences.

This game will get kids, teenagers and even adults playing it, also these funny looking creatures with long hair will be playing it also. Can you top that and compare NIntendogs to such game? no I don't think so. Nintendogs is for kids, i don't think teenagers or adults will be playing that.

I can't wait till this game comes out, then I can tell you "i told you so".

oh btw, Nintendogs sold 19.78 million. Amazing!~ this can be comparable to Nintendogs saleswise.. it will have crazy amount of sales for the game but not to that extent.  maybe 8 million at most for lifetime. it should sell more than 1 million before the end of this year.

fayewong said:

You comparing this to Nintendogs??!?! oh no you didn't~ hahah

Its not fad, its the new style of playing games.

I think it's comparable to Nintendogs in a variety of ways:

A. Great previews.

B. Tons of hype for the game, and a system seller.

C. Great reviews.

D. Epic bundle.

E. Appeals to a crowd that values cute things.

F. Appeals to a casual and younger crowd as well.

G. Great Sales(probably)

H. An anti-community of Nintendogs/LBP haters formed.

I. The game eventually spawned ripoffs it was so successful.

J. The gameplay is simple and customizable.

K. The gameplay is innovative without really reinventing the wheel. Instead it improves upon previous ideas.

Nintendogs being a fad is arguable, considering how great it still sells. However, it did quickly fall in with ill-repute from core DS owners and core-gamers in general. Those amazing reviews are also now not respected.

Either way, it is likely LBP will have far more in common with Nintendogs than any other title you could possibly name. Just because you think Nintendogs is crap, doesn't mean that it is, and just because you took it as an insult doesn't mean that it was. Believe me, before it's said and done, there are gonna be plenty of people who label LBP as "gets old quick" and "crap" like people did to Nintendogs, and there will be far more people who love the game to this very day.

There are a lot worse shoes your game could fall into than Nintendogs.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


that help?

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do u like platformers? If yes, get it, if not, no.