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You comparing this to Nintendogs??!?! oh no you didn't~ hahah

Its not fad, its the new style of playing games. NOt like FPS... you shoot, shoot and shoot. This game has no violence with blood, so it should get more people interested. thats why they are bundling it like the other good games they have bundled. This is going surpass that of MGS4 since it was getting attention on the older audiences.

This game will get kids, teenagers and even adults playing it, also these funny looking creatures with long hair will be playing it also. Can you top that and compare NIntendogs to such game? no I don't think so. Nintendogs is for kids, i don't think teenagers or adults will be playing that.

I can't wait till this game comes out, then I can tell you "i told you so".

oh btw, Nintendogs sold 19.78 million. Amazing!~ this can be comparable to Nintendogs saleswise.. it will have crazy amount of sales for the game but not to that extent.  maybe 8 million at most for lifetime. it should sell more than 1 million before the end of this year.