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Im not sure if im gonna buy it or not, here is why. I dont know if i would like it im really into shooters, fighting, and rpg games, in the beginning i saw a couple of trailers and wasnt interested but since than i watch more trailers and all with E3, Tgs and the announcement of Kratos sackboy , Nariko, Snake and Sephiroth and most all the hype i got and all the great reviews it got my interest got higher say like 75% for buying it but im not 100% for a buy beacuse im afraid if i buy maybe it i wont be playing it so much, i really tryed to get in 2 the beta but i failed that could have helped my quite a bit but thats life. Right now i have decied to buy Resistance 2 and Motorstorm pacific rift but i want a third so what do u think should i buy Little big planet.