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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I think I Just Made a Huge Mistake....

bigjon said:
its installing... (secretly prays it wont work on Vista)


It, does. I did the same exact thing a couple weeks ago, funny that a game that old manages to take presidence over all the newer games I have yet to beat.


Just don't go online and you should be safe.

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Dude I got so addicted to Diablo 2 as well. There's no avoiding it. You know it's going to happen.

I'll notify your next of kin.

I dont have time to get addicted to another game for atleast a year so I need to hide my cop of D2 : )

We've lost him.
Another Diablo 2 victim

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I tried going back to D2. After less than an hour I realized it had all the grinding of WoW with none of the social interaction and a much more shallow combat system. I don't think it aged very well at all.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Incandescence said:
I do not see the addiction in Blizzard games. They're fun, but not as addictive as everybody makes them out to be. Maybe I'm just too picky...


 You said that as if all Blizzard games are similar.

You just did!

You won't know the difference between night and day!

Diablo 2 was fun but it had a pathetic combat system and far too much grinding. It'd be alright for an MMO but for single player...

I havent played this game so much...but I don´t like it :P