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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - IGN are gonna give Fable a 10???

I know its a little far fetched and I'm gonna get some stick for this, but I have a very strong feeling IGN will give it a 10. My reasoning, well my reason is the video specials they've released over this past week. The way the really bad british accent voice over describes the game means that they are sooooo in love with it that before even releasing the review they are making videos about how cool it is.

It's just a feeling, but we'll (hopefully review is out within the day) see if I'm right or not. I am sure thought that they've given it at least 9.7, I'm sorry but there is no way you could have given Bioshock a rating that high and not Fable, it would just defy belief.

Currently Playing: Gears 2, World at War, GTA IV, Banjo Nuts and Bolts

The Greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge - Stephen Hawking


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Their LBP review was six pages of discussion about how awesome it is, yet it only scored a 9.5  You expect them to give Fable 2 a 10?

It might get a 9.7 from the more lenient IGN UK.  Might.

i thought they've alread given it a 10

Well if GTA IV and MGS4 can get a 10 why the hell not. Of course then so should have LBP and SMG and Bioshock before it haha. Who knows what IGN will give it as they have no rhyme or reason as to why they rate any of the hyped games like they do haha.

crosses fingers for a 7.9.

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I think they'll save the 10 for either Gears 2 or Fallout 3 and give around 9.5

I'm guessing more of an 8.7

Beja-Beja said:
crosses fingers for a 7.9.


 why 7.9????

End of 2011 (made 02/01/11) 
Wii: 99.453 m
Xbox 360: 67.837 m 
Ps 3: 60.726 m

Best Games/Serie of the Generation

I have yet to see a game that is worth a 10 this generation on any console.

More liek 9.2

As in go buy us some coffee.