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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3's 2008 holiday exclusives launch schedule all garbled...

heruamon said:
just get them're not including the BIG multi-plats, like Fall-out 3...zionks!

Multi-plat is not in direct sony control... and only thing they can do with multiplat is that they have day and date released with the XBOX counterpart or get time exclusive for them... and they have the same quality..


Secondly its not PS3 bashing thread in any way... and i still believe GT5P should have done more ... something like 3 - 3.5M.. maybe it will reach that in holidays.


Lastly have a well and balancely spread out exclusives around the holiday season would have given them more momentum..

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Well gt5p had more sales than gt4p and gt concept... I think it did great, more than 2M is huge for a short version of a game. Honestly, I thought that it wouldn't even breake the one million mark.

actually i think its good all these exclusives are coming out in just 2-3 weeks time

hype will bring sales




This is how it is supposed to be done. Every week a big game coming exclusive to one console. That is what gets the ball rolling and leads to a strong holiday. Sony basically has an exclusive lined-up for eery week tell the end of November. That means that the PS3 can b the spotlight on TV for nearly 2 full months. This is not even including exclusive marketing deals for a few 3rd patry games.

This is the best tactic to make people think everything coming is only on your system. Show a ton of commercials on PS3 Exclusives and add in the PS3 logo to a few other big titles like, MIrrors Edge, and Call of Duty and it seems like the PS3 is getting all the great games this holiday.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


darthdevidem01 said:

it allows for building up momentum in those weeks + then huge ADS & legs for those games for rest of the holidays

considering the OP made a thread titled "gran Turismo 5 Prologue BOMBED"....I think this is just a pure Ps3 bashing thread in disguise.


Good Point.

4 ≈ One

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KBG29 said:
This is how it is supposed to be done. Every week a big game coming exclusive to one console. That is what gets the ball rolling and leads to a strong holiday. Sony basically has an exclusive lined-up for eery week tell the end of November. That means that the PS3 can b the spotlight on TV for nearly 2 full months. This is not even including exclusive marketing deals for a few 3rd patry games.

This is the best tactic to make people think everything coming is only on your system. Show a ton of commercials on PS3 Exclusives and add in the PS3 logo to a few other big titles like, MIrrors Edge, and Call of Duty and it seems like the PS3 is getting all the great games this holiday.

Yup, I agree with that.


lbp is only getting delayed by 6 days. the lineup still looks good.





Tremble said:
Sephiroth: I suggest to change the "huge" by "beyond huge", it would reflect more the reality

All done and fixed!