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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Has everyone forgotten about Motion+?

I'm just wondering because I'm sure that people saying "Nintendo's abandoning the hardcore..", "Wii Music is a cash-in on the brand.", "Nintendo's Fall-Winter Line-up is weak as hell."  I'm sure there will be something in 09.. besides isn't 09 supposed to be the year of the PS3? *cough* no *cough.*

In short, I'm sure The Conduit, House of the Dead: Overkill, MadWorld and others will make the wait for 09 worth it.

Sidetracked much?

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Perhaps it's because Wii Motion+ won't have much effect in terms of sales on hardware. Perhaps a small effect on software, but pretty much nil for hardware.

I'm sure it will gain attention when a blockbuster game comes out making good use of it. The Conduit seems the best bet.

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Actually Wii Sports Resort will be Nintendo's next big seller. If Wii Fit ever dies down that is.



Am I going to buy something which proves the Wii Motion controlls weren't that great in the first place.....hell no!!

they dare ask me money for it......why do they want to DIVIDE their userbase....why do they want to force people to buy it..... & why do they want to FORCE devs to make two different kinds of control schemes for games!

this is like M$ putting NO Hard Drives in one SKU of the 360....actually this is even worse as it will directly affect our gameplay enjoyment of now probably most games!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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SmokedHostage said:

I'm just wondering because I'm sure that people saying "Nintendo's abandoning the hardcore..", "Wii Music is a cash-in on the brand.", "Nintendo's Fall-Winter Line-up is weak as hell."  I'm sure there will be something in 09.. besides isn't 09 supposed to be the year of the PS3? *cough* no *cough.*

In short, I'm sure The Conduit, House of the Dead: Overkill, MadWorld and others will make the wait for 09 worth it.

Sidetracked much?


How is Wii Sports, resort considered a "hardcore" game?


no, no, this isn't bashing and yes, it will sell like no tomorrow, but when has tossing a frisbee to a dog considered a hardcore game?

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

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: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
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kingofwale said:
SmokedHostage said:

I'm just wondering because I'm sure that people saying "Nintendo's abandoning the hardcore..", "Wii Music is a cash-in on the brand.", "Nintendo's Fall-Winter Line-up is weak as hell."  I'm sure there will be something in 09.. besides isn't 09 supposed to be the year of the PS3? *cough* no *cough.*

In short, I'm sure The Conduit, House of the Dead: Overkill, MadWorld and others will make the wait for 09 worth it.

Sidetracked much?


How is Wii Sports, resort considered a "hardcore" game?


no, no, this isn't bashing and yes, it will sell like no tomorrow, but when has tossing a frisbee to a dog considered a hardcore game?

He never said Wii Sports Resort is a hardcore game.

09 is going to be a great year for the Wii. People just like to piss and moan.

kingofwale said:
SmokedHostage said:

I'm just wondering because I'm sure that people saying "Nintendo's abandoning the hardcore..", "Wii Music is a cash-in on the brand.", "Nintendo's Fall-Winter Line-up is weak as hell."  I'm sure there will be something in 09.. besides isn't 09 supposed to be the year of the PS3? *cough* no *cough.*

In short, I'm sure The Conduit, House of the Dead: Overkill, MadWorld and others will make the wait for 09 worth it.

Sidetracked much?


How is Wii Sports, resort considered a "hardcore" game?


no, no, this isn't bashing and yes, it will sell like no tomorrow, but when has tossing a frisbee to a dog considered a hardcore game?

If you're going to troll, you could at least make a feeble attempt at making some sense since the words "Wii Sports, resort" aren't even in his post.

kingofwale said:
SmokedHostage said:

I'm just wondering because I'm sure that people saying "Nintendo's abandoning the hardcore..", "Wii Music is a cash-in on the brand.", "Nintendo's Fall-Winter Line-up is weak as hell."  I'm sure there will be something in 09.. besides isn't 09 supposed to be the year of the PS3? *cough* no *cough.*

In short, I'm sure The Conduit, House of the Dead: Overkill, MadWorld and others will make the wait for 09 worth it.

Sidetracked much?


How is Wii Sports, resort considered a "hardcore" game?


no, no, this isn't bashing and yes, it will sell like no tomorrow, but when has tossing a frisbee to a dog considered a hardcore game?

1.) I love how you cherrypicked and look for the most "casual" looking part of Wii Sports Resort.  That's rather hardcore of us.

2.) I also love how you didn't acknowledge that OTHER games are using Motion Plus.  You seem rather blind.


Pixel Art can be fun.