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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Whoops a idiot Paid $143.82 for 1.5 Years Of XBOX Live

llewdebkram said:
URNotE said:
I paid $0.00 for 10 years of Playstation Network


I'm sure some would say it's not even worth that.



Sony should pay us to play their games. =D


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The thread title says "whoops a idiot", lol

Glad to see he takes responsibility for his oversight, since I don't think Microsoft did anything wrong.

LOL, he should be in the darwin awards.

FaRmLaNd said:
LOL, he should be in the darwin awards.


 those are for people who died in stupid ways or did something... so they cant reproduce

you can't fix stupid

Around the Network
FaRmLaNd said:
LOL, he should be in the darwin awards.


 those are for people who died in stupid ways or did something... so they cant reproduce



Yes I'm well aware of that. And with an intellect like that he probably doesn't have long left in this world.

Jo21 said:


god thanks, and made sony get my online free :P


mrstickball the problem he is paying now almost three years of service.

which probably he wont use 100% for a year of use.

Nah ! The only problem is that he is an idiot.

Ouch... well that's not nice at all....

4 ≈ One

URNotE said:
I paid $0.00 for 10 years of Playstation Network


Umm i don't think they have had playstation network for 10 years yet. try about 5yrs and you got it. 

lol, that happen whenyou don't check your bank statements :P

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