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Forums - Sony Discussion - Ign MotorStorm: Pacific Rift Review.

the 1st review agreed wiv me. As a ps3 owner i know motorstorm can do better. the texture of the vehicles are not as good as u think yet

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mayb because they added in split screen, so they cant improve the graphics as much as they wan

A solid score. Good for PS3 owners.

End of '08 predictions (made by theprof00): PS3: 20m, 360: 23.5m, wii: 42m

Now Playin':  PS3|Resistance 2, LBP, Uncharted and Fifa 09, PSP| Ratchet and Clank: Size matters, 360| Gears of war 2 and Fallout 3.

oh nice score .. i will put it in my games list but i will get it later .. too many great games this month.

Staude said:
insomniac17 said:
Some pretty good reviews; can't say I'm surprised that IGN UK rated it higher. I'm getting this game for sure. Granted, I probably won't be able to get it until Christmas, but I'm definitely getting it. Played the demo a ton of times, and it's lots of fun. I just wish it was a bit easier to turn the Monster Truck. >_<

turn it in the direction you want it and use nitro to get it to move in the direction without skidding over the edges XD



Yeah, I've been putting in some more time with the Monster Truck, and I'm liking it a lot better now. Especially when I hit a jump and land on some poor bike/atv. ^_^

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Decent score.

I enjoyed the demo quite a bit, so I'm contemplating a purchase.


great ,, should help THE ps3 in EU