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Forums - Sales Discussion - Ten Week Countdown 2008!

Well this week is the nail in the coffin for me. Geez haha.

Around the Network

I have updated the weekly page and the console leaderboards (the places the links in the OP go to) but not yet the OP itself.

The results show this being the worst predicted week yet with the AVERAGE error on PS3 being a huge 64%, the worst Wii week too with an average of 22%, and not as bad as week2, but a pretty poor 360average of 18%

BHR-3 is the best for the week, followed by Veggie, then me, then Skeezer.

Oyvoyvoyv is the only one to have improved overall from last week.

Weekly table for week 4:

Week 4
TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3 average
Wii discrepancy -17.2% -34.4% -22.3% -17.2% -29.9% -29.9% +7.2% -17.2% +/-21.91%
PS3 discrepancy +45.7% +87.4% +87.4% +37.4% +66.5% +56.1% +88.2% +45.7% +/-64.30%
360 discrepancy +31.1% +19.7% +1.3% -31.1% +19.7% +19.7% -2.4% -16.2% +/-17.65%
Score (W+P+X) 17+45+31 34+87+19 22+87+1 17+37+31 29+66+19 29+56+19 7+88+2 17+45+16
Total score 93pts 140pts 110pts 85pts 114pts 104pts 97pts 78pts


Nice 1st again this is good news considering all the bad from ps3 sales lately

guys check  out my ps360wii console price history


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Ok, all the important stuff is updated

Here is the current leaderboard. with changes from last week added.

Rank Wii
1 BHR-3 30
BHR-3 78 Skeezer [+2]
27 BHR-3 160
2 Veggie [+1]
37 (=)
TWRoO 89 Veggie [-1]
47 Veggie 181
3 Skeezer [+2]
37 (=) Veggie 97 BHR-3 [+1]
52 TWRoO 199
4 Oyvoyvoyv [-2]
Skeezer 176 TWRoO [-2]
55 Skeezer 239


DarthDevidem 186 Zucas 63 Zucas [+1]
6 Zucas 77 (=) Zucas 206 DMeisterJ 80 (=) DarthDevidem [-1]
7 DMeisterJ 77 (=) DMeisterJ 229 Oyvoyvoyv [+2]
80 (=) DMeisterJ 386
8 DarthDevidem 95
Oyvoyvoyv 300 DarthDevidem [-1]
97 Oyvoyvoyv 419

And the ranks for this week alone are:

Rank Week 4
Week 4
1 BHR-3 78
2 Veggie 85
3 TWRoO 93
4 Skeezer 97
5 Zucas 104
6 Oyvoyv 110
7 DMeisterJ 114
8 DarthDev 140


Yess....My Wii and 360 ranks both went up ^_^


Around the Network
skeezer said:
Yess....My Wii and 360 ranks both went up ^_^

You were 4th for the week, behind me.... but I went down in the console ranks, while you went up Mainly because of the PS3, for which you have now fallen way below the top 3 (me, Veg and BHR) No longer are the ranks as simple as us 4 being at the top in one group, and the others being at the bottom in another group.

For Wii, you three, plus Oyv are in a group at the top.... I am on my own in the middle, then Zucas and DMJ are identical and Darth is at the back.
For PS3 it is me, Veg and BHR in the top group, then everyone else but Oyv in a second group way behind us.... then Oyv on his own at the back.
For 360 it's now you out at the front (though it was Veggie on his own last week) then veggie, BHR, me and Zucas, thenDMJ and Oyv, and followed by Darth.


Looking at the Black Friday estimate article, Wii will be closest to BHR I think.... The lowest figure for PS3 will probably be nearest again... so that's Skeezer and Veggie (I expect PS3 will be around 400-450k).... and for X360 everyone is going to be way too low, as Americas alone could outstrip everyones worldwide prediction.... so me and BHR will get that, though being nearest is still likely to be 200-300k out, which will be near 50%.

So the next 2-3 weeks at least,  the predictions for Wii will be about in-line with ours (some over, some under) PS3 will remain under our numbers... while 360 is going to stay way over and probably bring our collective 360 accuracy down to what we have had for PS3.

Edit: 6,666th post

Edit: 6,666th post


we already knew you were the super devil 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

it's a good thing i had 360 at 555k this week with EU at 310k already the highest out of everyone with only TWRoO had it at 550k i told u TWRoO i could access the future through my vgchartz wall


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BHR-3 said:
it's a good thing i had 360 at 555k this week with EU at 310k already the highest out of everyone with only TWRoO had it at 550k i told u TWRoO i could access the future through my vgchartz wall

Unfortunately your wall didn't see far enough... as over the next few weeks (6-10) you are generally the lowest  or very near it for your 360 predictions.


EU figures

Japan America Others Total
n/a n/a 779,033 779,033
n/a n/a 515,137 515,137
n/a n/a 310,355 310,355
n/a n/a 169,234 169,234
n/a n/a 143,818 143,818

Adding the vague estimates from the Black Friday article and the Japan preview we should get roughly this.

Wii - 1,350k (damn BHR!)

PS3 - 415k

360 - 825k

yeah i was still figuring out how to work all this time travel stuff as it's still new to me and the last time i went to the future the 360 #'s in EU weren't as good as they got after the adjustments so i wasn't really focused on seeing what they were for this time and like i said earlier in your thread my fanboyism got the best of me


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