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I have updated the weekly page and the console leaderboards (the places the links in the OP go to) but not yet the OP itself.

The results show this being the worst predicted week yet with the AVERAGE error on PS3 being a huge 64%, the worst Wii week too with an average of 22%, and not as bad as week2, but a pretty poor 360average of 18%

BHR-3 is the best for the week, followed by Veggie, then me, then Skeezer.

Oyvoyvoyv is the only one to have improved overall from last week.

Weekly table for week 4:

Week 4
TWRoO DarthDev Oyvoyvoyv Veggie DMeisterJ Zucas Skeezer BHR-3 average
Wii discrepancy -17.2% -34.4% -22.3% -17.2% -29.9% -29.9% +7.2% -17.2% +/-21.91%
PS3 discrepancy +45.7% +87.4% +87.4% +37.4% +66.5% +56.1% +88.2% +45.7% +/-64.30%
360 discrepancy +31.1% +19.7% +1.3% -31.1% +19.7% +19.7% -2.4% -16.2% +/-17.65%
Score (W+P+X) 17+45+31 34+87+19 22+87+1 17+37+31 29+66+19 29+56+19 7+88+2 17+45+16
Total score 93pts 140pts 110pts 85pts 114pts 104pts 97pts 78pts