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Forums - Sony Discussion - What Sony should do with the PS3

Spankey said:
WarmachineX said:
Imagine how well the PS3 would be selling if it didn't have BR? =O

I know I would have gotten one.


oh a smashing idea.

just a quick question, seeing as how most PS3 games are made on Blu-Ray media, would you only play the PSN games?

Well if the PS3 didn't have blu ray the games would be on DVD discs.  How could you not think of that?  Or did you think all 360 games are Xbox Live downloads?  And don't talk about MG4 multiple discs or put that silly pic with a 100 discs PS3 fans always put when talking about MG4 on 360.  Konami would have just wasted less space when making the game.


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tuoyo said:
blackstar said:
tuoyo said:
Garnett said:

Sony should NOT do a price drop,cause they are losing money and a price drop would be more LOST money...

Sony should/is including of its AAA games with bundles..

Sony should not worrie about what Xbox is doing,they need to stick to the plan of pushing blue ray and making AAA games.

Who cares if PS3 is being outsold by the 360,untill they start losing by some odd 20 million i dont think Sony should worry,There both losing to Nintendo.

Sony is doing great right now,despite what all these fanboys are saying,Keep it up Sony!

Sony is not doing great and you don't need any fanboys to tell you that.  They have released a product that has cost them billions and they released it using a model that can only be successful with some serious market share.  Their plan was to recover the losses through software sales.  But to generate the software sales required they needed to swallow up the market when what is happening is they are being swallowed up by Wii.  They have also gone from destroying the competition last gen to being destroyed this gen.  In what way are they doing great right now may I ask?



not great but good

bolded part: lol , are u saying that the ps3 is crushed ??? 

u can only use the word crushed  when u talk about consoles like xbox, GC and Dreamcast ,

the ps3 in no way is in a similar position

Those were bigger crushes doesn't change the fact PS3 is being crushed by Wii given they came out at the same time and it has sold half as much as Wii and it looks like the gap will only get bigger.  When you factor in the fact that no 3rd party, analyst (other than John Lucas) or Sony fan in their wildest dream would have imagined Wii would be outselling PS3 let alone selling more than double the PS3 then it is an even bigger crush than the numbers suggest.  It is a David slaying Goliath type crush.


no it does

ps3 is getting great games form 3rd party developers while the GC XBOX AND DREAMCAST didn't get them


tuoyo said:
Spankey said:
WarmachineX said:
Imagine how well the PS3 would be selling if it didn't have BR? =O

I know I would have gotten one.


oh a smashing idea.

just a quick question, seeing as how most PS3 games are made on Blu-Ray media, would you only play the PSN games?

Well if the PS3 didn't have blu ray the games would be on DVD discs.  How could you not think of that?  Or did you think all 360 games are Xbox Live downloads?  And don't talk about MG4 multiple discs or put that silly pic with a 100 discs PS3 fans always put when talking about MG4 on 360.  Konami would have just wasted less space when making the game.



the way it was stated lead me to believe that he was saying they should make a PS3 available now without the BR drive, not from launch.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

all i read was the title , and my answer is


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My thoughts I expressed in a earlier thread.

I am honestly reevaluating my stance on whether Sony will cut the MSRP on their console. I have to readjust my estimation of the situation given the economic situation. Most knowledgeable posters are well aware of my stance on the issue. I have placed Sony as putting a premium on finding profitability. Unfortunately given the economy at this point Sony will find itself in a position where profitability is not a possible solution to the given problem.

The reality is that Sony is acutely vulnerable to the economic downturn. They have been putting a greater focus into their hardware division, and unfortunately those product lines will find themselves squarely in the category of unnecessary luxuries. Those sales are going to see a drastic downturn due to a loss of optimism on the part of consumers. This holiday season is going to see more frugal shopping patterns, and that tends to mean more smaller ticket items. Not a few large ticket items.

Let me say this I fully expect that Sony is going to have solid losses in their home electronics divisions regardless of the price of their console. They are going to need to curtail production on many product lines, and are probably going to have no recourse other then discontinuing the production of many products. The picture is particularly grim. That said their console is actually a pristine example of where to place their prospects for the future.

The reality is that the consoles price is probably to extravagant for the current economic situation. I am not saying it will sell a little less. I am saying it will sell a lot less. The console is truly going to exceed the holiday budget for the overwhelming majority of consumers. Sony will either curtail production of the console, or they will find the public pain threshold. Those are probably the only two positions afforded for them. Curtailing production will actually drive the price up for the foreseeable future as cutting the costs will not be possible. So the console will have to maintain that price point through the entirety of the economic downturn. While increasing the losses per unit will have the effect of a more substantial loss.

This all said the console is actually a golden goose for Sony. The bird can and will eventually start to deliver on its promise once the global economy begins to rouse itself. With the hardware in homes Sony can start to regenerate those losses that they will incur now. To put it simply it will have been capitol only lost in the short term. Unlike other electronics which are permanent losses. So their console can help the company heal in the tail end. Not only that but it is still three product lines within one. The console can see their format through hard times, their technology through hard times, and a established brand that has a greater prolonged return on investment. Especially if the current economic situation delays the introduction of the next generation.

Ironically one of the consoles vices will have become a virtue, because it can sustain so many of Sony's properties through the lean times. Better to sustain them through a single product rather then half a dozen all losing capitol. I absolutely think Sony will bend to the economic pressure, and will place a large value on sustaining this brand. That means cutting other products and putting the resources into what is actually a silver lining.

I expect Sony to cut the price of their unit during the last week of November or the first week of December by one hundred dollars in North America. Yes they will eat some staggering losses, but they will explain to investors the value of having the console strong going into an economic recovery. This is not necessarily about competing with Microsoft or Nintendo. I honestly think Sony has little to no hope. Those consoles will be at easily digestible prices. However at a three hundred dollar price point the console can and will sustain itself. Which means in a year Sony can be looking at the line becoming a source of positive income.

I really don't know about Sony being allowed to just ignore the 360's success. The 360 provides much of the same experiences the PS3 has - all the great multiplatform games, HD media, that sort of thing. Every 360 console sold is a potential PS3 customer lost. I mean, how many people do you think will purchase both consoles?

Of course, I don't think it means they should cut prices, either. They just need to differentiate their system, which they're doing, by focusing on 1st/2nd party games. Still, the more marketshare 360 takes, the worse it is for the PS3. There's no denying that.

@ Those thinking the PS3 isn't as much a failure as Gamecube - The PS3 destroyed like, all of the PS2's profits. A failure of that magnitude might have put Nintendo out of business.

I dont the ps3 is a failure I think its lost in the shadow of the PS2 success which was GIGANTIC. When you compare PS2 to PS3 you might see the issue. But the PS3 on its own is doing ok.

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

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