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I really don't know about Sony being allowed to just ignore the 360's success. The 360 provides much of the same experiences the PS3 has - all the great multiplatform games, HD media, that sort of thing. Every 360 console sold is a potential PS3 customer lost. I mean, how many people do you think will purchase both consoles?

Of course, I don't think it means they should cut prices, either. They just need to differentiate their system, which they're doing, by focusing on 1st/2nd party games. Still, the more marketshare 360 takes, the worse it is for the PS3. There's no denying that.

@ Those thinking the PS3 isn't as much a failure as Gamecube - The PS3 destroyed like, all of the PS2's profits. A failure of that magnitude might have put Nintendo out of business.