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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Konami in denial again ...

blackstar said:
Stan85 said:
Of course is a breach in the exclusivity contract,it`s a system seller and a AAA game. Sony paid for timed exclusivity just like MS did with many games,i don`t see nothing wrong with that. It`s a 3`rd party game,not 1 or 2. Konamy owns the IP,not Sony. I think is a 1 year timed exclusive,wich is good for Sony because they get Cristmass sales too.

And why don`t people want to share a AAA game with others? Why so much hate,when in 2009 not many people will care if MGS4 comes to 360,but people will buy it anyway? I don`t understand. And don`t say you want Halo,Gears,Mass Effect,Fable or other IP`s owned by MS,it`s not going to happen. MGS4 did it`s job,what more do you want?


link plz?

i hope all the games come multi but not this one because the people who bought the ps3 just for this game will end up being sad and i don't like seeing people sad

Dont be said f they bought a PS3 for MGS4 first they are getting it WAAAYYY before a 360 owner will ever have a chance to see it if ever and 2 they got a great system in the PS3


PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

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PS3 owners are sad because they get God of War 3 in 2009? It`s the reason i have a ps2,so don`t be sad. Konamy is smart,they get money from Sony for time exclusive deal and more money from 360 owners when they port the game. Smart move,they get time to even polish the game,lol.

MGS4 was a system seller,the fact that everyone paid 400$ to play it was good for Sony,but when people try to justify their purchase...i find that sad. I lived when MGS4 was in stores,i will live when God of War 3 will be released too. And I saw MGS4 on the net,same will go for gow3. You can`t do that with a multiplayer session of Gears 2.

I wouldn't be too surprised if MSG4 is eventually released on the 360 in some form.

Then again, I wouldn't be suprised if more 3rd party exclusives make that jump (in either direction I might add).

LOL breach of exclusitivity. Of course it was. Sony probably kicked up sh*t.

selnor said:
LOL breach of exclusitivity. Of course it was. Sony probably kicked up sh*t.

About time.


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There is not many people that want to play this game and havent played it already... MGS fanbase is pretty dedicated. Its not a casual play game...

So i don't see why theyd bring it to 360...

So it couldn't possibly be something that was miss translated and then thrown around the internet before the error was corrected. Like the Star Ocean 4 to PS3 thing during TGS?

Why is that so impossible to believe?


CAL4M1TY said:
invisible29 said:
It will NEVER come out Xbox360. IMO

Thank you. Finally, a person that says it's their opinion, and not fact.

Personally, I think it will come to 360, the potential for profit is too large to ignore (after the timed exclusivity deal is over).

All hypothetical though.


When they put Left 4 Dead, Tales, Star Ocean 4, and whatever other 3rd party 360 exclusive on the PS3, then the "potential for profit" argument can THEN be null, because for some reason, it never works in reverse in which the PS3 should get 360 games even though "the potential for profit is too large to ignore" (in the minds of M$ fans)


disolitude said:
There is not many people that want to play this game and havent played it already... MGS fanbase is pretty dedicated. Its not a casual play game...

So i don't see why theyd bring it to 360...


Because most 360 owners are hardcore gamers and it will open up anothe 21 million people to the game

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

xman said:
disolitude said:
There is not many people that want to play this game and havent played it already... MGS fanbase is pretty dedicated. Its not a casual play game...

So i don't see why theyd bring it to 360...


Because most 360 owners are hardcore gamers and it will open up anothe 21 million people to the game

Why not put Star Ocean on the PS3 and Wii then? It'll open the game up to 16 and 33 million people, respectively

I'm getting sick of the "it allows more people to play" argument. If there aren't any exclusives, then we might as well have one, singular omniconsole