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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 1UP WiiMusic review in... A-

omg, didnt see this coming. i have no interest in this game at all but im glad at least 1 reviewer has had the balls to review it for what it is and not slag it off for being different.

nintendo themselves have stated that this isnt quite a game and isnt quite a musical instrument but something that bridges the gap. surely thats a good thing isnt it? as fans of video games dont we want the medium to become more mainstream like movies/music? after all this game is aimed at young kids, in 10-15 years those same kids will be playing god of war 7 on ps6 or whatever.

this game isnt desined for the so called core gamer so dont moan about it, just ignore it and carry on playing whatever your into...... and this goes for the stupid nintendo fanboys to. if you like metroid or are excited by the recent announment of punch out wii like me this isnt for us.

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Phendrana said:
Gamerace said:
I expect review scores will depend on if the reviewer knows anything about music.

The reviewer at 1-up is a musician so he 'gets-it' and scores it well, but obviously Matt at IGN is freaking tone-deaf so expect a low score from them.


I fully expect IGN to completely trash it. According to people on their boards, Matt was saying months ago that he was going to give it a 3. I don't think he'd actually give it a score that low, but I wouldn't be surprised after the way he's talked about it.

Know what though?  If Matt gives it a 3 then I'll say that's a fair score.  Why?? Because for someone with no musical ability like Matt & Bozon Wii Music is just a noise maker.  It's just not that fun.  So people buying it with no native appreciation or ability for music won't like it either.   I'm not talking appreciation for rock, rap or top 40 hits here either.  Anyone who really appreciates music will appreciate classical music for the artistry of it.

Funny come to think of it, people in the industry keep talking about wanting the VG industry to be appreciated as an art form.  Yet Wii Music is perhaps the closest any game has ever come to truly being a work of art.  Unfortunately, art is highly personal and not everyone appreciates it.



Gamerace said:
Phendrana said:
Gamerace said:
I expect review scores will depend on if the reviewer knows anything about music.

The reviewer at 1-up is a musician so he 'gets-it' and scores it well, but obviously Matt at IGN is freaking tone-deaf so expect a low score from them.


I fully expect IGN to completely trash it. According to people on their boards, Matt was saying months ago that he was going to give it a 3. I don't think he'd actually give it a score that low, but I wouldn't be surprised after the way he's talked about it.

Know what though?  If Matt gives it a 3 then I'll say that's a fair score.  Why?? Because for someone with no musical ability like Matt & Bozon Wii Music is just a noise maker.  It's just not that fun.  So people buying it with no native appreciation or ability for music won't like it either.   I'm not talking appreciation for rock, rap or top 40 hits here either.  Anyone who really appreciates music will appreciate classical music for the artistry of it.

Funny come to think of it, people in the industry keep talking about wanting the VG industry to be appreciated as an art.  Yet Wii Music is perhaps the closest any game has ever come to truly being a work of art.  Unfortunately, art is highly personal and not everyone appreciates it.


Haha, it's like Miyamoto's become the Marcel Duchamp of video games. I'll be waiting for his announcement of Wii Urinal.


Gamerace said:
I expect review scores will depend on if the reviewer knows anything about music.

The reviewer at 1-up is a musician so he 'gets-it' and scores it well, but obviously Matt at IGN is freaking tone-deaf so expect a low score from them.

No she is a gamer who loves the Wii/DS and the casual games for it. She is responsible for reviewing all the Cooking Mamas, etc.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

I love how automatically everyone who loves the game is somebody who has great artistical and musical tastes, and everyone who hates is a zero-imagination tone-deaf. I could actually say the opposite, that everyone who loves it is a person that only plays Carnival Games and the one who hates it is someone that plays real games.
Both statements are false, there will be people who will love it, and people who will hate it, and for hating the game they won't be "stupid, uncreative", so let's not start boycotting and calling names for every reviewer who doesn't like it

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Jo21 said:
i still consider this major shovelware.

there is not technological advance, or anything utter expectacular, even competition was nuked.

it looks to me like quick cash in.


You shouldn't worry about that since you're selling your Wii.

Signature goes here!

zexen_lowe said:
I love how automatically everyone who loves the game is somebody who has great artistical and musical tastes, and everyone who hates is a zero-imagination tone-deaf. I could actually say the opposite, that everyone who loves it is a person that only plays Carnival Games and the one who hates it is someone that plays real games.
Both statements are false, there will be people who will love it, and people who will hate it, and for hating the game they won't be "stupid, uncreative", so let's not start boycotting and calling names for every reviewer who doesn't like it


What do you mean "automatically?"

Jennifer Tsao explicitly states in her review that she has musical training, while Matt Cassamassina has himself posted some pretty conclusive video evidence that he doesn't have a fucking clue how to make music. There is actual evidence here, so don't pretend that things are being made up to reinforce personal bias.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

After watching the video in this ( ) thread I started to understand what was interesting about Wii Music and why someone would enjoy the game ...

Being a drummer who uses a digital drum kit, I generally find myself playing along to other-people's pre-recorded music and yet I rarely ever attempt to play the song in the way the other drummer did; there is an enjoyment that comes from this that is related to being able to create what you heard in your head. Now, I'm not a particularly good drummer, and it took me years to become a decent enough drummer to be able to think of interesting ways of playing a song and to be able to pull it off; the average person is not going to put in the time and effort towards learning music in order to get to the stage where they can enjoy creating something.

Miyamoto is an accomplished guitar player and probably started out trying to create a game which captured the sensation of creating music for people who do not have any musical training. How ridgid the game seems to be can (probably) turn off some people who are fairly good musicians because they will be unable to bend/break the rules to create the songs they want to make ... At the same time, the free form (and sandbox) nature of the game will probably frustrate people with little experience and/or imagination because they will be unable to see any point to playing it. In the middle ground (where there are still tons of gamers) Wii Music will probably be an enjoyable game for quite a few people.