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omg, didnt see this coming. i have no interest in this game at all but im glad at least 1 reviewer has had the balls to review it for what it is and not slag it off for being different.

nintendo themselves have stated that this isnt quite a game and isnt quite a musical instrument but something that bridges the gap. surely thats a good thing isnt it? as fans of video games dont we want the medium to become more mainstream like movies/music? after all this game is aimed at young kids, in 10-15 years those same kids will be playing god of war 7 on ps6 or whatever.

this game isnt desined for the so called core gamer so dont moan about it, just ignore it and carry on playing whatever your into...... and this goes for the stupid nintendo fanboys to. if you like metroid or are excited by the recent announment of punch out wii like me this isnt for us.