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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 can handle MGS4, says Microsoft

DOATS1 said:
Everstar said:

Why becuase you dont think so? im sorry but i just am not going to belive someone on this forum over some from microsoft lol... 


 what? i never said i'm going to believe somebody on this forum, but i'm not just going to believe a pr rep, somebody who's paid to spin. if pr reps always told the truth, then a lot of bullshit would have gone down this gen. if pr reps always told the truth, then:

  • rrod is not as bad as people are making it out;
  • the ps3 can't stay on the shelves for anymore than 5 minutes;
  • the wii is actually a fad;
  • the ds only sells to 12 year olds;
  • the 360 will become the best selling console this gen because it reached 10 million sold in the u.s before anyone else;
  • the ps3 is actually the best selling console....if you add ps2 and psp sales to it.

I never said you did im saying im not going to lol.


Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Around the Network
CAL4M1TY said:
Imperial said:
Of course MGS4 could be ported to the 360 , it could be ported to the GBA even . The question is wether it would be an equal experience to that which we get on the PS3 , the answer to that is no.


start reading from the second bolded line in my first post on this thread.

Also, have a nice day because we won't be hearing from you afterwards.

"Does anyone actually know what aspect of the game, or rather what component of the PS3's that makes this impossible? The only real difference between the two consoles is blu-ray, which is easily solved by multiple discs.

Unless anyone can prove otherwise that it is CELL or any other component of the PS3 that makes it impossible on the 360, please, STFU."


What because this is conclusive proof that an XBOX 360 version is possible ?



BMaker11 said:
Everstar said:
DOATS1 said:
Everstar said:

Lots of people on this fourm seem to be saying that the 360 cant haddle it thats what im getting at.


 ...and lots of people are saying the 360 can handle it.

do you see what's happening here?



Im saying i think people from microsoft know a lot more then you or i about the xbox 260 so if they say it can haddle it you should belive them and not some random PS3 fanbay on a fourm complaiing about it going multiplatform.

I don't think anyone know anything about the Xbox 260! When you find out, let me know :)


...someone already told me i replaced a 2 with a 3 ffs people make such a big deal about it


Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Imperial said:
CAL4M1TY said:
Imperial said:
Of course MGS4 could be ported to the 360 , it could be ported to the GBA even . The question is wether it would be an equal experience to that which we get on the PS3 , the answer to that is no.


start reading from the second bolded line in my first post on this thread.

Also, have a nice day because we won't be hearing from you afterwards.

"Does anyone actually know what aspect of the game, or rather what component of the PS3's that makes this impossible? The only real difference between the two consoles is blu-ray, which is easily solved by multiple discs.

Unless anyone can prove otherwise that it is CELL or any other component of the PS3 that makes it impossible on the 360, please, STFU."


What because this is conclusive proof that an XBOX 360 version is possible ?



owned =). And i totally agree with you


Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

Just read this =

UPDATE: We've just spoken to Konami and they've told us that they've released the game on PS3 and that "there are no plans to release the game on any other platform."

We pushed, but they insisted the game will stay on the PS3.

Around the Network
Everstar said:
Imperial said:
CAL4M1TY said:
Imperial said:
Of course MGS4 could be ported to the 360 , it could be ported to the GBA even . The question is wether it would be an equal experience to that which we get on the PS3 , the answer to that is no.


start reading from the second bolded line in my first post on this thread.

Also, have a nice day because we won't be hearing from you afterwards.

"Does anyone actually know what aspect of the game, or rather what component of the PS3's that makes this impossible? The only real difference between the two consoles is blu-ray, which is easily solved by multiple discs.

Unless anyone can prove otherwise that it is CELL or any other component of the PS3 that makes it impossible on the 360, please, STFU."


What because this is conclusive proof that an XBOX 360 version is possible ?



owned =). And i totally agree with you



well the god of MGS has said that it won't happen.

I think that konami must know that if the game is ported to 360, god won't like it and then god, one of the most important allies of Konami could be mad , and I don't think that konami would like to make god mad just to sell another lets say 1 million copies of MGS4 , god can make more money for Konami, god can do a lot of things , so I say that god is an important factor on why MGS4 is not at 360 right now.

F.U. Fun University.

Xen said:
The_vagabond7 said:
It's still being discussed XEN because it's still a possibility. One PR person says one thing, another PR person says another thing. If they think that financially it's a smart move they are going to do it.

As much a possibilty as Gears of War on the PS3 is.


you know the diffence between GoW and MGS?  MS paid for it.  As long as MS is willing to buy up games and sony is not it's going to be a one-way street for exclusivity loss.

Everstar said:
BMaker11 said:
Everstar said:
DOATS1 said:
Everstar said:

Lots of people on this fourm seem to be saying that the 360 cant haddle it thats what im getting at.


 ...and lots of people are saying the 360 can handle it.

do you see what's happening here?



Im saying i think people from microsoft know a lot more then you or i about the xbox 260 so if they say it can haddle it you should belive them and not some random PS3 fanbay on a fourm complaiing about it going multiplatform.

I don't think anyone know anything about the Xbox 260! When you find out, let me know :)


...someone already told me i replaced a 2 with a 3 ffs people make such a big deal about it


It's a joke, man. My bad

BMaker11 said:
Everstar said:
BMaker11 said:
Everstar said:
DOATS1 said:
Everstar said:

Lots of people on this fourm seem to be saying that the 360 cant haddle it thats what im getting at.


 ...and lots of people are saying the 360 can handle it.

do you see what's happening here?



Im saying i think people from microsoft know a lot more then you or i about the xbox 260 so if they say it can haddle it you should belive them and not some random PS3 fanbay on a fourm complaiing about it going multiplatform.

I don't think anyone know anything about the Xbox 260! When you find out, let me know :)


...someone already told me i replaced a 2 with a 3 ffs people make such a big deal about it


It's a joke, man. My bad

Its cool dude im not made i did kinda sound mad in my post though lol. I was just saying that someone already posted it =)


Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

kitler53 said:
Xen said:
The_vagabond7 said:
It's still being discussed XEN because it's still a possibility. One PR person says one thing, another PR person says another thing. If they think that financially it's a smart move they are going to do it.

As much a possibilty as Gears of War on the PS3 is.


you know the diffence between GoW and MGS?  MS paid for it.  As long as MS is willing to buy up games and sony is not it's going to be a one-way street for exclusivity loss.

I know. It was an example to show that some games will never get ported. MGS4 will require too much financial effort to be ported, and the game will not sell enough to recoup it... besides, some people do not want it to get ported. While they don't decide yes/no, they have an influence on the final decision.