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Everstar said:
Imperial said:
CAL4M1TY said:
Imperial said:
Of course MGS4 could be ported to the 360 , it could be ported to the GBA even . The question is wether it would be an equal experience to that which we get on the PS3 , the answer to that is no.


start reading from the second bolded line in my first post on this thread.

Also, have a nice day because we won't be hearing from you afterwards.

"Does anyone actually know what aspect of the game, or rather what component of the PS3's that makes this impossible? The only real difference between the two consoles is blu-ray, which is easily solved by multiple discs.

Unless anyone can prove otherwise that it is CELL or any other component of the PS3 that makes it impossible on the 360, please, STFU."


What because this is conclusive proof that an XBOX 360 version is possible ?



owned =). And i totally agree with you



well the god of MGS has said that it won't happen.

I think that konami must know that if the game is ported to 360, god won't like it and then god, one of the most important allies of Konami could be mad , and I don't think that konami would like to make god mad just to sell another lets say 1 million copies of MGS4 , god can make more money for Konami, god can do a lot of things , so I say that god is an important factor on why MGS4 is not at 360 right now.

F.U. Fun University.