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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 360 can handle MGS4, says Microsoft

konnichiwa said:
Onyxmeth said:
konnichiwa said:
Onyxmeth said:
konnichiwa said:
Menago KF said:
Man, threads like these really show just how big whining babies people can be. Especially you Xen. What's it to you, or any other ps3 owner for that matter, if MGS4 goes multi? It'll only result in the game having higher sales.

I'm confident that the xbox360 has more than enough horsepower to run the game, who cares on how many discs? Seriously, you guys are grabbing on to any half-assed details that you normally wouldn't even think of.

I don't think that xbox owners would ever bitch about such trivial matters as current Sony loyalists.


 Serious are you blind or did you you missed all this kind of post the last days ' Ps3 loses another exclusive I want so see their tears'?  it is annoying me as hell.

I'm not trying to condone those actions, but that kind of stuff is only brought about because of how whiny certain people get when a PS3 game gets ported to 360. If nobody reacted like children about the rumor and ports, then no fanboys on the other side would anticipate tears and meltdowns from them. This all goes back to how poorly some PS3 owners took the FF XIII news and then the Tekken 6 rumors and then the announcement. It goes on today with how poorly a lot of those same people are taking this rumor. The 360 fans are babies for feeding the fire and laughing, but it isn't them starting the fire, it's the whiners.



The first thread that was created after the FFXIII on X360 announcement:

I don't see any PS3 owner whine about it evenDMeisterJ didn't whine

'What the fuck!!??!?!?!?

I shit my pants when I saw lightning!!

But I see enough reactions on the first page that just were made to make the PS3 owners furious and then the 'whining' started.


I'm not getting into specifics with you over this. We're not going to have a huge he said she said war. All I'm going to tell you is that only the nice threads get to stay open. If you want the real meltdowns, you may want to look in the locked topics. I know that's where I always put the funniest ones, no matter what the console persuasion.

Like I said though, I'm not condoning the behavior of the people that want to see "the meltdowns and bitter tears of PS3 fans". If they break the rules gloating, they'll get warned and banned just like everybody else.

Let's get back on topic from here on out. I don't want to derail this thread.


Again that was the first that was created then  I am quite sure of it that benkenobbi was the first one;.The others then were created because some couldn't stand the post of some in the first thread like we have now 10's of MGS4 threads.


If you're going to keep this up, then at least PM me and we'll do it there. I don't want the thread derailed any more than it already has.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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Well then if it's possible.... Why isn't it done.

I say. port it. Let MS cover the expense. And lets see just how crappy it will be.

PSN ID: TheSimkin

GamerTag: TheSimkin

WII friend Code: 0002 7972 4522 2681


oh a good old debate.... first since when 3rd party exclusives on PS were on PS first ??? most have been stolen from nintendo and sega...or other platforms... 2nd about the multiple disc issue... i don't see the problem in the first place to change a CD especially with all the cut scenes... now people saying BR is da shit and having multiple DVDs is lame... you want my opinion having any form of CDs is lame in the 21 first century... that's why i still don't believe in the HD br... in 3 years VOD will had catch up in 5 it will be the standard... mark my words....
now since when PS3 has been defined as more powerfull for GAMING than XB... show me a correlation of several benchmarks that cleary shows it ???? yeah more horse power in the PS# in no way a proof it's better for gaming though..... it's like saying my HiFi system is more powerfull than yours so it's better for home theatre 5.1 that's not true... I can have a less powerfull sys more adapted to 5.1 and have a better rendering of the sound in a movie than a more powerful HiFi sys....

sorry if all that has been said already I just read the first page....

and I'm not taking down sony... but those 3 arguments are probably the worst one to use here.....

880user088 said:
weather it can be played on 360 or not ... microsoft must stop stealing games from PS3 ..... OKAY ?


Its not stealing games if its not a sony built game what right does Sony have to MGS4 just like what right does MS have to Bioshock?  I never understood why a good game should not go multiplat I am glad bioshock which I played and beat on the 360 is going over to the PS3 more people should enjoy a good game

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

Well, I see this conversation has gone nowhere. God save us from the inaudible compressed audio that will inevitably result from the only tentpole PS3 title going multiplat.

If this happens....God save us all. Microsoft is in the red-zone with a megaton.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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leo-j said:
Im sorry but MGS4's visuals are beyond anything on the XBOX 360 or PS3 IMO, I actually think it has better visuals than Uncharted.

Microsoft doesnt know what they are boasting about, they didnt make the game, kojima did, and he said a port is impossible.


If you say absolute stuff like this, it could easily come back on you, you know.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


blazinhead89 said:
@Zen What !? MGS3 was 1 disc >_>. Unless your talking about MGS3 : Substanance :P


lol, finally solid proof that I've forgotten more shit than most people on this site will ever know.

PS: The point still stands, as it was related to some JA saying that no respectible action game could be on 2 discs, and indeed MGS1 is on 2 discs, so pwnd.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Who honestly expected to hear Microsoft say the console couldn't accommodate the game? I don't care one way or the other. It's not like they don't practically share most 3rd party titles as is. People need to stop buying consoles over 3rd party exclusives cause they will become rarer and rarer on the HD consoles anyways. By the end of the generation I wouldn't be surprised to see only about 5 to 10 3rd party exclusives per HD console(not counting live and psn games of course).

nitekrawler1285 said:
Who honestly expected to hear Microsoft say the console couldn't accommodate the game? I don't care one way or the other. It's not like they don't practically share most 3rd party titles as is. People need to stop buying consoles over 3rd party exclusives cause they will become rarer and rarer on the HD consoles anyways. By the end of the generation I wouldn't be surprised to see only about 5 to 10 3rd party exclusives per HD console(not counting live and psn games of course).


That means nothing. Microsoft doesn't have to say anything like that. They could just say nothing. It wasn't a yes or no question, it was a statement about MGS4, which indicates to me that it's at least being looked into by one company or the other.

You don't see a lot of comments about Gears of War from Sony do you?

If Cliffy came out tomorrow and said he was investigating a Gears of War port for the PS3, wouldn't that be damn near confirmation.

The only reason it's dissimilar is because of this Sony fan talking point that the game is only possible on the PS3(which they also said about FFXIII, and which is obviously a garbage talking point that would be disproved once and for all with a MGS4 port). MGS4 looks good, plays good. If the PS3 can handle it, then it can be ported to the 360, and vice-versa. Downgrades? Maybe, but not necessarily. Extra and/or changed content? Certainly. Confirmed? Not yet, but will be megaton if happens, with tons of Sony fanboys who now say it is impossible changing their talking point to "It'll be downgraded, and who didn't see this coming anyway?"

Do you see how I did that? They pay people for analysis worse than that.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.