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oh a good old debate.... first since when 3rd party exclusives on PS were on PS first ??? most have been stolen from nintendo and sega...or other platforms... 2nd about the multiple disc issue... i don't see the problem in the first place to change a CD especially with all the cut scenes... now people saying BR is da shit and having multiple DVDs is lame... you want my opinion having any form of CDs is lame in the 21 first century... that's why i still don't believe in the HD br... in 3 years VOD will had catch up in 5 it will be the standard... mark my words....
now since when PS3 has been defined as more powerfull for GAMING than XB... show me a correlation of several benchmarks that cleary shows it ???? yeah more horse power in the PS# in no way a proof it's better for gaming though..... it's like saying my HiFi system is more powerfull than yours so it's better for home theatre 5.1 that's not true... I can have a less powerfull sys more adapted to 5.1 and have a better rendering of the sound in a movie than a more powerful HiFi sys....

sorry if all that has been said already I just read the first page....

and I'm not taking down sony... but those 3 arguments are probably the worst one to use here.....