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nitekrawler1285 said:
Who honestly expected to hear Microsoft say the console couldn't accommodate the game? I don't care one way or the other. It's not like they don't practically share most 3rd party titles as is. People need to stop buying consoles over 3rd party exclusives cause they will become rarer and rarer on the HD consoles anyways. By the end of the generation I wouldn't be surprised to see only about 5 to 10 3rd party exclusives per HD console(not counting live and psn games of course).


That means nothing. Microsoft doesn't have to say anything like that. They could just say nothing. It wasn't a yes or no question, it was a statement about MGS4, which indicates to me that it's at least being looked into by one company or the other.

You don't see a lot of comments about Gears of War from Sony do you?

If Cliffy came out tomorrow and said he was investigating a Gears of War port for the PS3, wouldn't that be damn near confirmation.

The only reason it's dissimilar is because of this Sony fan talking point that the game is only possible on the PS3(which they also said about FFXIII, and which is obviously a garbage talking point that would be disproved once and for all with a MGS4 port). MGS4 looks good, plays good. If the PS3 can handle it, then it can be ported to the 360, and vice-versa. Downgrades? Maybe, but not necessarily. Extra and/or changed content? Certainly. Confirmed? Not yet, but will be megaton if happens, with tons of Sony fanboys who now say it is impossible changing their talking point to "It'll be downgraded, and who didn't see this coming anyway?"

Do you see how I did that? They pay people for analysis worse than that.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.