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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 used for smuggling drugs

d21lewis said:
Damn mainstream media. Just because it's a BLACK system, there's all of this negative press. Now had it been a WHITE console like the Wii or the 360, then there'd be nothing said. Racism at it's worst. There. I said it.


you sir, have just made my day....


Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

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Funny thing is that whilst visiting Australia early last year for some reason customs took real big offence to me and completely strip searched my bags (fortunately, bar my shoes I escaped the same indignity). Anyway, after seeing my PS3 and having a polite discussion about gaming he asked if I knew that I could install my own HDD. I said yes, but at that time had yet to do so. He proceeded to show me how, by taking off the HDD cover and shining his torch inside.

I don't think PS3 had even been released in Australia then, so he was either an avid gamer, or more likely they get detailed instructions on how to search electronics (including consoles). I think they X-rayed everything too.

As it was my first trip to Australia, being held up at the airport for so long (nearly an hour) after a 10+ hour flight really put a downer on my stay. The customs guy was fairly polite though, just doing his job I guess.

Anyway, my advice; don't smuggle drugs in the PS3 HDD bay, it's the first place they'll look.

This picture made my day XD

4 ≈ One

You do know that if they strip you down your clothes, they can check elsewhere on your bodies? In jails, the guards check in-mates to see if they hid knives or weed in the in-mates' anuses. Yes, you can stick crack up your crack and get away with it.

Naraku_Diabolos said:

You do know that if they strip you down your clothes, they can check elsewhere on your bodies? In jails, the guards check in-mates to see if they hid knives or weed in the in-mates' anuses. Yes, you can stick crack up your crack and get away with it.


Actually I've heard they tend to check up there too


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Wait wait I have another one..... too bad they couldn't get BEYOND secruity.

Once again, the PS2 proves to be the most versatile console ever!

so thats wat that white powder was when i opened the package.

lol, i thought it was for cushionin my ps3