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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Hit With California Class Action Lawsuit For Xbox 360 Failures

Warranties won't necessary mean the lawsuit will fail.
They will argue that Microsoft knew the console had a high defect rate and still decided to ship the product and that a replacement is not what people that had several failures want, those people just want their money back and be out....

Would be interesting to see where this gets....
But yeah I doubt it really gets anywhere...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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halogamer1989 said:
Agreed Bubbles. Calis always want a xomp's to give them a handout.


This suit could be the work of one lawyer.  One guy.  From that you draw a rule about Californians.  Whatever state you are from, I draw the conclusion that everyone there can't think.  Fair?

Further, while I don't know the legal basis for asking for "all the profits" from 360, redistribution of some profits to those whose losses weren't covered by warranty (basically enforcing coverage) would be a good thing.  Do you call that a HANDOUT?  Companies DO sometimes pollute, poison, harm, chop loved ones in half with negligence, etc.  When they have to pay for it, is it a HANDOUT, McCain fan?

ya at this rate im wondering how long will it be till someone files suit against sony's batch of the 60gig ps3s that YLoD and Nintendo's DS with the cracked hinges on the white models.

it won't get anywhere but if you 360 owners who had RROd sign up your names ,,,you will all get alot of good freebies from MS to settle this before it gets to public eyes,,,,,so if you wanna freebies then sign up




Ugh...A bit like they did in Holland then?

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piggychan said:
ya at this rate im wondering how long will it be till someone files suit against sony's batch of the 60gig ps3s that YLoD and Nintendo's DS with the cracked hinges on the white models.

What is this YLoD that you speak of?  I have a launch PS3 60 gig and it has never had a problem? 

On topic, this lawsuit is garbage.  MS has acknowledged problems with the initial model and has rectified the issue.  This is no different than the lawsuit last year regarding xbox live service interruptions.


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



dbot said:
piggychan said:
ya at this rate im wondering how long will it be till someone files suit against sony's batch of the 60gig ps3s that YLoD and Nintendo's DS with the cracked hinges on the white models.

What is this YLoD that you speak of?  I have a launch PS3 60 gig and it has never had a problem? 

On topic, this lawsuit is garbage.  MS has acknowledged problems with the initial model and has rectified the issue.  This is no different than the lawsuit last year regarding xbox live service interruptions.



I think its a hard drive issue but its been dubbed Ylod.( yellow lights of death).  I can't find where I first heard of it but some guy made a video of it. obviously its much smaller scale than the 360's lights of death but it is occuring to what some say is a bad batch of ps3's.


Onyxmeth said:

If these people want refunds then does that mean they'll be sending their 360's back to Microsoft? Also I don't even see where this is only for people with 360's with hardware failures. It just looks like they're encouraging anyone to grab a refund.

yes, they return the 360 and get 100% their money back.


piggychan should change his name to funny man

Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
halogamer1989 said:
Agreed Bubbles. Calis always want a xomp's to give them a handout.


This suit could be the work of one lawyer.  One guy.  From that you draw a rule about Californians.  Whatever state you are from, I draw the conclusion that everyone there can't think.  Fair?

Further, while I don't know the legal basis for asking for "all the profits" from 360, redistribution of some profits to those whose losses weren't covered by warranty (basically enforcing coverage) would be a good thing.  Do you call that a HANDOUT?  Companies DO sometimes pollute, poison, harm, chop loved ones in half with negligence, etc.  When they have to pay for it, is it a HANDOUT, McCain fan?

Let's not get carried away: as someone else noted, the only person that's going to profit from this is one shady  (but I repeat myself) attorney--last time I looked, 360s weren't picking up axes and dicing little girls to bits and, while irritating and negligent in the extreme, MS has at least made an honest effort at picking up the pieces (not of little girls, natch) even if they had to be pushed/coerced/bound and gagged into it.

That said, if you personally think that one greedy (but I repeat myself) ambulance chaser--in-between shaking down the latest big, evil, corporation(TM)--deserves to bleed MS for some money, fine, but please don't pretend that this is anything like a company pouring toxic waste into the water supply of an orphanage for the blind and deaf.

As for his comments about Californians, in general, being greedy, it isn't so much that, to a man, they have their hands out, but considering that the laws and courts in the state are more congenial than average to this sort of nonsense, he has an indirect point (and I say this having lived in Cali for a decade and being exposed to the inner workings of its bureaucracy--a bureaucracy that would make Satan green with envy).